Hi, I have been watching this repo for past few days, you have put a lot of efforts here and maintaining this project for quite a long time. This sounds very exciting and promising to me. I always wan…
I have found your great lib and have done some tests by myself. With my Zimo decoder (MX685) it works great. Then I switched to a Doehler & Haass DH18A and the same Arduino UNO cannot decode th…
The PSE51 Units of Functionality Requirements:
ref: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1342418/
## Table 1-18 — Units of Functionality Requirements
* POS…
In the last version of ReVanced Manager, the integration settings have disappeared from the alternative sources settings window:
Just a new idea - Simple tables would be cool 🙏
User interface could be:
like this and enter ✅
Bei mir werden die Tagesverbräuche sowie der Gesamtverbrauch nicht korrekt dargestellt.
Aktuell erfasse ich (seit Samstag, 06.07.) mit dem Volkszähler verschiedenen Leistungswerte (!) meines Piko-Wec…
### Bug description
I use Piko patches for Twitter through ReVanced Manager. Before the latest ReVanced Manager update, the alternative sources settings window looked like this:
Adding piko twitter will be nice.
Link: https://github.com/crimera/piko-builds
I found a couple of threads where it was shown how to extract N20 for the PS1.
Apparently, this works with all PS1 games from Console Classics on Steam.
Are there any plans to bring the patches to the upstream repository?