I was seeing the excellent work on pointnet: congratulations.
Sorry for the questions, but it's a new field for me and I'm studying it.
I ran the train on a single dataset (../data/modelnet4…
When I change the batchsize in [line] (https://github.com/rusty1s/pytorch_geometric/blob/80341478210305809576923597af11cd1ed36eeb/examples/pointnet2_segmentation.py#L31): to any random number such as …
What are the requirements for preprocessing the S3DIS dataset
ERROR:ValueError:zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity
Thank you very much for your contribution!
1. I would like to ask why the IoU of one of the types has always been 0 when I use pointnet++ to do my own point cloud data semantic segmentation (binary…
PS E:\gitstore\pointnet.pytorch-master\utils> python show_seg.py --model seg/seg_model_Chair_4.pth --dataset=E:\gitstore\pointnet.pytorch-master\shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0 --class…
Dear friends:
When I run show_cls.py,there is an error:
F:\anaconda1\python.exe C:/Users/123456/Desktop/PointNet/pointnet_pytorch-master_lingzhang1/show_cls1.py
Namespace(model='', num_points=250…
Hi, I am slightly confused about a couple of things.
1. Why are there two separate dataloaders for train_semseg and test_semseg in S3DISDataLoader.py? Both seem to use different techniques for subs…
Has anyone encountered similar issues when training the Multi3DRefer? How to fix it?
sk_bce_loss: 0.0045, layer_3_mask_dice_loss: 0.0401, layer_3_sem_loss: 0.0509, layer_3_indi_loss: 0.5398,…
My teammates and I are trying to use PointNet++ with our data.
While on PointNet both the results and the running time are good (100 epochs in 25 minutes)
PointNet++ training is very slow (3 ep…
Thanks for help,I want using pointnet for classification with new data, but data only have points,it didn't have points_label and seg_img, can pointnet classification without points_label and seg_img…