After handling a monitoring request, subprocesses are being left in the sleeping state instead of being cleaned up.
This is similar to #64 / #4, except the processes are using no CPU.
Attaching …
Hallo zusammen,
da wir - das HKHLR - einige Standorte haben, die Computenodes nicht-exklusiv nutzen und für uns deswegen Node-Level Monitoring nur begrenzt sinvoll ist, testen wir im Moment Methoden,…
sittr updated
6 years ago
### Description
There needs to be a mechanism for system admin to get notified when records in our record processing queue cannot be properly processed. In many or most cases this needs human interve…
What's the story for monitoring Project M36's execution profile? Have you considered adding [EKG](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ekg) into the mix?
3noch updated
7 years ago
When looking at IN_PROCESS tasks, the order constantly changes with each refresh and makes it difficult to see the progress on completed / remaining/ failed column. An ordering that keeps the in_proce…
### Summary
Managing a high volume of Execution Environments (EEs) presents significant operational challenges. Our organization, responsible for maintaining approximately 200 EEs, aims to leverage O…
Logfile for monitoring: ~/.ganga-monitoring.log
Hint: set the location of this logfile close the where you run: ganga.runMonitoring()
## Bug description
Deployed on rke cluster, the scaphandre pod is deployed using helm as described and the prometheus and grafana pods are deployed using kube-prometheus-stack. All three are deploy…
https://openj9-jenkins.osuosl.org/job/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.system_x86-64_mac_Nightly_testList_0/634 - [mac10-x86-2](https://openj9-jenkins.osuosl.org/computer/mac10-x86-2)
Vendor 별 Logstash config 고려 필요
- [ ] Apply Monitoring 에서 미리 생성해둔 logstash config template을 적용할 수 있는 기능 추가
- [ ] Vendor 별 SNMP Connection Test 추가
IPMI Connection Test에서 Vendor 별로 Connection Test를 고려…