As I was cleaning up Flyboy2 (Flyboy on [itch](https://mcpalmer1980.itch.io/flyboy)) I decided to add outlined text in a few spots. I had a few ideas of how to do that but wanted to see how other peop…
Could I use pyimgui to create a plane and add points to it
Will be a pygame_menu that pops-up at the beginning/start of a level. Will inform player of level type and objectives. Maybe even hints.
Forcibly display when user selects level for first time. Have o…
Opções básicas de Iniciar jogo, Sobre nós, Sair, Desativar som etc...
Criar menu com botões para escolha de cores/elementos:
- Menu no canto esquerdo superior
- Opções quadradas
- Botão borracha/apagar tela
-Bouton pour commencer le jeu
-Bouton amenant au menu des paramètres
-Ajouter les paramètres réglables (difficulté, niveau du son, taille de la police, luminosité, résolution, fps max, sau…
**Please include the log file**
$ singularity
Singularity 1.00 (commit: 2ebc2f3f2059b96885416167363bde2e27ece106)
Running under Python 3.9.5 (default, Jul 15 2021, 11:19:42) [GCC 10.3.0]
pygame 2.…
I need hep making a code program for a game board, the basic idea for the program is when you start the program there will be 2 files, File A and File B. When you start the application it should start…
@aarontuor @aaron-tuor @madelynshapiro
The current toml file does not include all the dependencies necessary to run psl examples in:
Documentation says to render the image I need a texture id.
and provides example
`texture_id = imgui.get_io().fonts.texture_id`
I can't figure out how can I get the image from the fi…