Hi. First, thank you so much for the code and efforts! I have followed your instructions very carefully but run into a persistent issue.
In the "Qualtrics Survey Settings" section of your directions…
`devtools::load_all()` overwrites `qualtrics_base_url` in `.Renviron` when loading `helper-qualtRics`.
# Use default URL rather than branded one:
Sys.setenv("QUALTRICS_BASE_URL" = "www.qualtr…
When we have the final instrument, we should make it available for reuse in different platforms:
- REDCap instrument .ZIP (can be generated by export)
- [Qualtrics QSF file](https://www.qualtrics.…
Some datasets uploaded to the Harvard Dataverse contain personally identifiable information (PII), particularly IP address and geolocation data (longitude and latitude). PII is included (as default) i…
我们是来自斯坦福大学、科罗拉多大学和[GFW Report](https://gfw.report)的反审查研究人员,致力于了解人们如何绕过中国的互联网审查。如果您使用VPN、代理或任何其他翻墙软件绕过防火长城(GFW),请考虑花5分钟的时间帮助我们完成一份简短的调查问卷,以助我们更好地理解和改进翻墙生态系统。我们的调查问卷和整个研究已通过斯坦福大学伦理审查委员会(IRB)的严格审核。本次调查是匿…
Hello! 👋 We are trying to get vcr tests set up in the qualtRics package and are running into some challenges. The first one is that `filter_sensitive_data` does not seem to actually be filtering out t…
A normal experiment workflow looks like this: Prolific -> Qualtrics (Consent) -> Prolific (IDs) -> [Task] -> Qualtrics (Survey)"
They get the experiment on Prolific, fill out a Qualtrics consent fo…
To avoid namespace conflicts with `dplyr::select_all()` (deprecated), change name to `asn::check_all()`. This will still reflect the motivational name to calculate counts from "select all" or "check a…
We have three links to Qualtrics for the GT project. Right now they are not very pretty. We could make them look nicer - like https://gt-staging.riffplatform.com/signin
Registration link: https://rc1…
We have four experiments, each experiment takes 20 minutes,
each experiment have four actions, M (Math), S(Shut eye relax) , R (Read) and O (Open Eye Relax)
Each action take five minutes.