Mon flux RSS (condensé) ne m'ayant pas donné de récap brief vendredi 26 et aujourd'hui lundi 29, je me suis rendu sur sur le site pour regarder ce qu'il en était. Surprise : sur desktop (Firefox, Chro…
- Previous recap
- Reporter progress (I'll be 10-15 minutes late)
- Other? (Feel free to add/comment below)
Recap issue
Hi, when I am saving and rendering my .qmd file, everything works but I get a recap with a lot of warning messages and an error 404. I was wondering if other people had the same thing in their Rstudio…
## 무엇을 알게 되었나요?
### 프록시 객체 (Proxy Object)
먼저 프록시 객체에 대한 개념부터 간단히 살펴봅시다.
> **프록시 객체**는 엔티티의 실제 데이터를 데이터베이스에서 가져오는 시점을 지연시키기 위해 원본(타겟) 객체를 대신해서 호출될 가짜 객체이다.
프록시 객체는 클라이언트 코드와 실제 데이터베이스에서 …
I was bumping juriscraper and set the PR to auto merge if all requirements were met. The automerge completed and then a random unrelated rec…
# 2021 Recap | Angela's Blog
Merry Christmas! 2021 went by so fast that I completely neglected this blog for half the year, haha.
from https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-intermediate-modern-c/learn/lecture/29453172#overview
avant d'ecrire des issue pour faire des modif, a-t-on un doc recap sur les notifications par mail ?
dans quel cas et qui notifie-t-on ?
ES, accompagnateur, toute l'équipe d'appui, autre ?