### What happened?
In a custom app using iOS SDK
Kill the app and lock the screen
Receive a VoIP push notification which wakes the app up
The app processes the push and creates an incoming audio o…
Display list of App Catalog Groups
I have written a Flux-like framework called [Redux](http://github.com/gaearon/redux) that, in my view, preserves the best properties of Flux, but also fixes a few problems with it. In Redux, instead o…
Suggested by davidpchi
Dan Abramov é criador do Redux, atualmente o framework flux mais difundido.
Link: [https://medium.com/@dan_abramov](https://medium.com/@dan_abramov)
**Who we are and what we do**
Shaw and Partners is a software development provider for high-profile startups with approximately 25 remote staff. We are also incubating two startups. [Christopher Shaw…
### TODO 🚀
> close #3, #7, #9 and #10 ..
__Talk 2:__
- [ ] React Native Fundamental By Mohamed Anouar Kotti.
- [ ] Playing with GraphQL using Apollo By Heithem Moumni.
__Talk 3:__
- [x…
Pick one of the global state management frameworks I outlined last week - [globalState](https://github.com/borg/Mobile-Application-Development/blob/master/Classes/Class%205%20-%20Global%20State.md), […
Let's make a decision about what technologies we going to use to build our web-app.
My thoughts is:
## Server
* Serverless
* GraphQL
* Firebase
## Client
* Apollo for GraphQL
* React
* Re…
I think it'd be good to have a discussion to build a doc for our "recommendation" for testing framework wrapped components (redux). This comes up a lot. The real answer is that it's not this libraries…