Currently the supported directives are hardcoded here: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff/blob/9180635171dcb61bf2b96ab7a489fe0f549d78d7/crates/ruff_python_formatter/src/string/docstring.rs#L1082-L1087
## About
@matkuliak converted significant portions of the README of influxio into MyST Markdown. However, the right spot to add this to, is here.
## References
- https://github.com/crate/cratedb-…
amotl updated
6 months ago
## 이슈 내용
_어떤 이슈인지 알려주세요._
`make docs` 또는 `make html-noplot` 시 발생하는 reStructredText 문법 오류로 인한 WARNING 등을 해결합니다.
(단, 바로가기의 텍스트가 동일하여 발생하는 WARNING은 해결할 수 없어 유지합니다. 예. `WARNING: Duplicate explicit targ…
## **Description of problem:**
* Current user documentation (reference) of tinyweb is included in the `README.md` file itself.
* I feel it makes `README.md` cluttered. Also, with the addition of ne…
While markdown got a lot of traction, reStructuredText ( https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html ) is still very wide-spread especially among Python projects. More often than not when I run `frogmout…
This would involve adding the appropriate substitutions in `docs/_substitutions.rst`, and then applying them elsewhere in the narrative documentation and docstrings.
Some Python docstrings use `reStructuredText`, one notable example being [pandas](https://pandas-docs.github.io/pandas-docs-travis/development/contributing_docstring.html#docstring). Here's an example…
Sphinx 文档默认使用 reStructuredText 语法,但也支持 MyST Markdown 语法。
[MyST Markdown](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/typography.html) 是在标准 Markdown 语法上做了一些扩展,使得其具有更强大的功能。目前我的感受是,MyST Markdo…
### Feature request
The `.. toctree::` directive of Sphinx has an option `:reversed:` which will invert the order of entries: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/directives.…