5月2号的固件无论是R6S还是orangepi 5plus上都无法起动,有用相同机器的朋友望告知一下是不是有相同问题。
3wlh updated
6 months ago
型号RK3588 系统Ubuntu20.0.4
官方demo 编译后运行报错:
root@firefly:/home/firefly/Desktop/rknpu2/examples/rknn_yolov5_demo/build# ./rknn_yolov5_demo ../model/RK3588/yolov5s-640-640.rknn ../model/bus.jpg
I would like to request the addition of **YOLOv11** model support in the RKNN Model Zoo. It would be great if you could provide a process or script for converting YOLOv11 models (either from…
### What happened?
After I make the image, I found that the GPU did not work, and the display …
this app would be awesome on ARM64 devices like pi5 or anything based on RK3588,
I checked this briefly, there was a problem with frontend/Dockerfile,
#RUN apt-get install -y curl gi…
Develop code:
to identify the type of SOC (RK3588 / RK3588M / RK3588J)
print the information
sample log:
CPU: Rockchip RK3588J rev1.2 at 792MHz
CPU: Industrial temperature grade (…
Orange Pi 5 is out and starting to arrive at early buyers,
Any plans to add this to the great list of hardware that can run Lakka?
/Best regards
LAP87 updated
5 months ago
I used the instructions to compile both box64 and box86. No problems at compile time. I tried to install steam using the script, which resulted in some warnings, but steam got installed. Now, whe…
# 错误信息:
(rkllm) python rkllm-toolkit/examples/test.py
INFO: rkllm-toolkit version: 1.1.2
The argument `trust_remote_code` is to be used with Auto classes. It has no effect here and is ignored.