**User Need**
**As a** member of Operations Engineering
**I want** to be able to quickly understand the purpose, scope and how to rotate a given secret
**so that** I can easily assess the impact of r…
Me topé con esto [Runbooks](https://containersolutions.github.io/runbooks/), me pareció una iniciativa interesante para la comunidad.
Tal vez se pueda contribuir/fomentar la participación con tradu…
Need a script to create a project-doc runbook repository.
Need to serve runbooks from a well-known URL.
Error: Runbook "Enable-MultipleSolution" cannot find cmdlet Find-AzureRMResource.
When executing runbook Exception shows:
_The module AzureRM.OperationalInsights is not available. Please import fr…
### Ask a question
Hello everyone,
We use prometheus for our kubernetes cluster. As written in your article (https://blog.netways.de/blog/2023/07/25/check_prometheus-ist-jetzt-oeffentlich-verfueg…
### Description of the new feature
Currently Export-AzAutomationRunbook cmd is able to export runbook to a wps_2 script (.ps1 ) file, for wps_2 or wps_2 Workflow runbooks, or to a graphical runbook (…
That article doesn't mention how to manage the runtime config with helm. It's fairly simple, but it's not mentioned anywhere.
#### Is your documentation request related to a feature? If so, which one?
Runbooks / Query path
#### Describe the solution that you’d like or the expected outcome
This runbook lacks importan…
### Description
The Get-AzAutomationJobOutput and Get-AzAutomationJobOutputRecord formatting is completely different from the same job's output in the AA RB itself. I misexpected the Get-AzAutomation…