### Please provide the name of the dataset or describe the dataset that you're requesting:
### Do you know which agency provides/can provide this data?
*( Refer to this link for a full list of a…
Draba magellanica Lam. var. cinerea Adams...groenland
Draba brachycarpa Nutt.
Draba brachycarpa T. & G.....usa
Draba nemorosa L. var. nemorosa......Saskatchewan
Draba rectifructa C.L. Hitc…
Radicula palustris Moench. var. R. hispidula Robinson.....Québec
Rorippa hispida Britton...Ontario
Nasturtium terrestre hispidum, F.M...U.S.A.
Nasturtium ...USA
Nasturtium palustre, D.C....USA
It would streamline the installation process to add these packages to an Ubuntu repo so the user could install with apt.
Lunaria biennis Moench ...Europe
Lunaria biennis L......Europe
Lunaria rediviva L...Europe
Lunaria rediviva L. sp. et "L - odorata Lam sur le même étiquette"
Lunaria bisennis ...cultivée
this in the treatment of Microstomum laurae
here are two collection codes that cause problems:
COI is not a collection code, but a DNA sequence name. This is wi…
I downloaded the OSIRIS L2 NO2 data from the [ftp server](ftp://odin-osiris.usask.ca/) mentioned on the [OSIRIS on Odin website](https://research-groups.usask.ca/osiris/data-products.php#Download).
The INI file doesn't match any convention I recognise and is quite hard to read. There are better config handlers that do the parsing and loading for free. Here is an example TOML config file that I w…
region names are empty for canada and few other countries.
Lepidium medium Greene ...usa
Lepidium densiflorum Schrader var. macrocarpum G. A. Mulligan...Saskatchewan (paratype)
Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. var. typicum Thell......colombie britanniq…