% bin/saxs_fitter 6lyz.cif lyzexp.dat
Running AUSAXS v1.0.3
Unknown PDB extensions: ./6lyz.cif and ./lyzexp.dat
libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::exception: std::e…
2.5 is geared towards receiving synchrotron data, but there are extra schemas used now that aren't part of a base 2.5 install. As a result, the metadata for these schemas will not propagate to a base …
2.5 is geared towards receiving synchrotron data, but there are extra schemas used now that aren't part of a base 2.5 install. As a result, the metadata for these schemas will not propagate to a base …
2.5 is geared towards receiving synchrotron data, but there are extra schemas used now that aren't part of a base 2.5 install. As a result, the metadata for these schemas will not propagate to a base …
As a developer I would like to keep P38, at least from an ophyd point of view, as a close representation of I22. Currently they are treated as different beamlines with some similar components.
## P…
**NXsubentry:** The use of NXsubentry could be fleshed out. Should it only be used when the instrument would apply to different techniques/application definitions or is it intended to be a general app…
Looks like we have misconfigured BlackFly 2 used for collecting images of samples before exposures. I get this:
W Tue-13:25:09 - Could not take sample image:path=/share1/USAXS_data/2022-10/11_…
When compiling with nvcc with -std=c++11 (In principle Cuda 7.0 supports c++11).
The only cereal headers in my code are:
At present some of the SAXS-sample components:
- SAXSCylinders.comp
- SAXSNanodiscs.comp
- SAXSNanodiscsWithTags.comp
- SAXSPDB.comp
...have calls to bessel functions j1 and j0 inside TRACE (i.…
Enhancement suggestion.
Olivier Tache (of pySAXS) suggests that SasView should support reading of 2D X-ray detector images by linking the fabio library (https://pypi.org/project/fabio/).