Congratulations on the launch of Scaife Viewer! The news is spreading across Croatia...
In the meantime, would you consider adding the Croatian Latin (CroALa) CTS repository to the library? The repos…
Due to changes in GitHub/Travis authentication, we can push/pull changes but a new release is no longer being created. This results in downstream issues with Scaife Viewer ingests.
I suggest that Git…
Not sure if this is the best place to ask:—
A user asked about downloading data from https://vocab.perseus.org and if there are Latin plans.
I got an email from someone reporting errors in Aeneid 12. Do we have an email link in the Scaife viewer for people to report errors? I don't see it at https://scaife.perseus.org/reader/urn:cts:greekL…
tags run into the preceding text and are undiffe…
Valeria Boano has generated a Treebank that we would like to get loaded into Beyond Translation.
I will document what steps are required to from the "raw" data (CoNLL-U) to seeing the annotations i…
_What happens:_
When viewing passage reference 12r-14v, all of the text parts are shown, but only the first folio image is shown:
returning by passage versus returning by instance of term
It would be great if we could embed a youtube window and use time stamps to align a text to a performance: e.g., start at second 133 and go to second 344.