The site's tree for the [Hopeful Steward](https://sky-planner.com/spirit/0Ab0zVwBa0) has an extra quest before the hug on the post-season tree, and also apparently on the mid-season tree too according…
### Endpoint
### URL
### What is the current Value?
MRData: {
xmlns: "",
series: "f1",
url: "htt…
#47 did a lot of refactor work to prepare for a season reorganizer
The seasons filter on the chapter ambassador's datagrid should only show participants who were a part of their chapter for the selected season.
### Description
Some of my users like requesting all seasons of a show and then proceed to watch only the first few episodes.
I'd like to have more control over if users can request multiple seasons…
In late April, create new season. Move teams up/down in the system.
can you returns season count? example:
3052 updated
4 months ago
Hello, maybe it would be a good idea to make build in compatibility with season and temperature mods? Would make it really immersive.
Write a post for our blog about our kickoff event, and the progress we are making so far.
![im out](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMnBsMDd2dHc4Y2t0bzJsOGpnZGMxYW9zbGl2b2w4NjcxeHl4d2RtMSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Dc1w8y69enroY/giphy.gif)
# Season 2024