[NOTE: This is from #15. The above link has more than one issues. In order to make it easier to track, I decide to split them into individual issues]
About SensorThings API Reference
*_Section 2.2.4…
**Describe the bug**
Test fails on servers that implement Tasking
Error in call to extension function {public java.lang.Object com.occamlab.te.TECore.callFunction(net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathConte…
De : Grellet Sylvain
Envoyé : mercredi 21 août 2024 16:29
À : [hydro.dwg@lists.opengeospatial.org](mailto:hydro.dwg@lists.opengeospatial.org); [timeseriesml.swg@lists.ogc.org](mailto:timeseriesml.sw…
Currently the references in the template are not auto-numbered, and can not be auto-referenced. This makes the editing process very tedious and error prone.
A referenceable number can be generated …
I am trying to load observations from a datastream only in the event that there is a new observation. I think the easiest way to do this would be an ajax call that is executed if there has been a chan…
b-en updated
10 years ago
In Article 2 (6) of the Regulation 2023/138 “Application programming interface (API)” is defined as “a set of functions, procedures, definitions and protocols for machine-to-machine communication and …
Observation class is missing a description Field.
The need arises when mapping WQX ton ST API using the approach taken in the WQ IE.
And usually in GML a Feature has 'description' amongst the op…
(use Summary of Jeb Benson User Story)
- high-fidelity LiDAR survey data
**Deliverables - Implementation Components:**
- 3D Point Cloud Streaming Server Implement…
OASIS has published a Committee Note for OData to OpenAPI Mapping Version 1.0.
There are also some tools available t…
We used SensorThings for sharing observations measured by a buoy that dives and measures some physical parameters of water when diving. The raw data that provides the buoys has several observations fo…