Hello, when I use ShogiGUI to run 6.0.3 nnue's avx2 or any other exe, initialization failure is displayed in the software window. When I change to Shogidokoro to run the software, the operation failur…
Hi. This suggestion might be related the issue #37 but I will suggest other two notation styles, kif and csa, to save.
Because many notations of Japanese shogi are recorded by the kif style and the…
Currently the only two kanji piece sets available have red promotion sides. Would it be possible to add at least one two kanji set with Black promotion side? Of the current piece sets, orangain is…
The user should be able to choose between traditional pieces or Hidetchi international pieces
When we use the Tools->Board Editor page, pieces can’t be placed to either hand’s area. The Editor system is the powerful tool so many players are confusing to make their original boards when they w…
> if (!pondering && po_info.halt == 0 && begin_time.elapsed() > time_limit) {
Right now, fairy stockfish is much weaker than current NNs. It would be nice to play against a decent bot (and in the future, have it analyze my games from the site itself). But the main concern I thi…
There is a collection for pieces to shogiGui, I designed the Valdivia ones.
I will be glad if them can be set as option to play with them, ther…
I know I had already informed you about this https://lishogi.org/FgTum53as9uU. This is just so you don't forget since there are a lot of issues.