Hi developers,
Thanks a lot for implementing GC-MS data processing in MS-DIAL version 5+. I find many new and useful functions such as allowing representative spectrum selection and candidate sele…
I ran searchgui and peptideshaker in CLI and everything seemed to work fine on the surface, there are no warning or error messages. However, when I try to open the cpsx project with the gui (e…
I am attempting to use marc4j to convert a MARCXML file back to MARC21 binary, which I had previously converted from MARC21 to MARCXML using marc4j. I made one update to some of the records in the MA…
I am attempting to convert mztab peptide identification from casanovo to .blib format but have been unsuccessful using BlibBuild. The first error I recieved was:
(base) kostrouchov@myip:~$ ./B…
* [x] Observations completed?
* [x] Delivered?
* [x] Downloaded? (specify whe…
### Basic information
* My operating system and version: 64 bit Windows 10
* My mzmine version: 4.0.3
### What happened
I wanted to inquire about the ADAP deconvolution module. I used this q…
Saw the survey on the Diversity and Inclusion Drupal Slack channel, and since I wasn't on during that workgroup meeting, I thought I'd post some thoughts on the gender identification question.
I woul…
I have a problem with the consensus spectra generation. So I used the output of maracluster batch, filtered the file based on my criteria and write back a tsv file with only my remaining spect…
Hi Nathan,
Was trying out the package, and after installing as per instructions, and trying to run the Example, I get the following lengthy error when running run_CNN.py (relevant part bold). Any tho…
Dear Marie-Cécile,
Following with the issue related to the EoE consultation you received and forwarded to us, we come back to you to suggest that it is revised by the nomenclature team if you estee…