I wrote a quick script to pull tags from the different sites to help me figure out what to use. Figured I'd drop it here. Was thinking a possibility would be to add it to the readme or an example file…
Is this project active? (I don't see any other way to message Josiah.) I've been thinking of working on something similar but would rather contribute to an existing project than start from scratch. Bu…
__더 많은 행사를 보고 싶다면? [Github Dev Event](https://github.com/brave-people/Dev-Event) 로 오세요!__
[Kick-Quick-start! Python : 파이썬 기초 교육](https://festa.io/events/4063)
-접수: 09. 22(금) ~ 10. 04(수)
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS was released on April 23, 2020. It would be nice to support this latest LTS version.
Here's what I've needed to do to get version 0.11 working on ubuntu 20.04:
`sudo apt install l…
I know it may not be in your wheelhouse to do this, but just throwing it out there. I’d love to see a video of you going over how you went about making this, in the spirit of Casey’s videos.
## 🚀 Feature
**TL;DR**: Providing domain-specific transformation APIs will make it straightforward to pre-process and post-process the data in LibTorch `Tensor` format.
The LibTorch and LibTor…
@rickwierenga I tried your demo project, and found that the code has an error, and couldn't find the resnet50 model, so I downloaded the model from Apple. Even after installing the model, I see that …
as title say, anyone can contact ,we can maintain it in community
By modifying the example ssd_example.ipynb found under tf-coreml/examples/ I was able to convert my mobilenet_v2 model to the correct file type with no errors. However, when running the object detect…