The latest version of Tilemill available in this repo can be installated on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial too?
Dear TileMill Community,
Please help fix the following issue:
When trying to add a layer datasource that has an apostrophe in the file name the datasource cannot be added.
Check the fu…
I am follow this tutorial https://www.mapbox.com/tilemill/docs/guides/osm-bright-mac-quickstart/
I am block on final step 3.
![captura de pantalla 2014-12-16 a las 11 50 45](https://cloud.githubuse…
@stevage (http://support.mapbox.com/discussions/tilemill/6617-no-subject) hit this problem:
[tilemill] { [Error: connect ETIMEDOUT] code: 'ETIMEDOUT', errno: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect' }
Previously I succeeded to load and open OSMBright project, after took a long time caching and processing OSMBright template. But the template run heavily on tilemill and couldn't open others applicati…
My pdf exports are missing the labels i have in tilemill. Also, the pdf does not seem to maintain the line style i had defined in tilemill.
Testing the recommended ubuntu install route fails.
Running as root on oneric server linode instance to get a clean instance to test on.
Do we need to catch and throw if user is trying to install on…
Like node.exe so you can do `TileMill.exe -v` and also so that "File version" shows up in Windows Explorer.
MBTiles created by Tilemill (and others) can have UTFGrids. Tilestream, for example, serves the grids alongside the associated tile image simply by swapping out ".png" for ".grid.json" as the file ex…
I'm developing a module (tilemill, a map rendering client) which depends on
boto, and I'm trying to roll an easy_install'able version of it currently.
It's tricky though, currently, because…