For these records: http://wwwb.library.vanderbilt.edu/exist/apps/caesarea/search.html?fq=;fq-Author:http://viaf.org/viaf/305863610 we used this Pleiades URI: https://pleiades.stoa.org/pl…
For referencing person names in ``, we use the attribute `@ref`, as in:
However, the EGD also prescribes to use `@key`, under section "Tagging contemporary names":
@hannafriedel Just to document what we already discussed:
Use the branch [content/uri-matching](https://github.com/usaybia/usaybia-data/tree/content/uri-matching)
In OpenRefine:
1. Import the p…
We're trying to install and evaluate EATS for possible use with a project, and the import/export documentation isn't very clear. What import formats does EATS support? Is it only the custom EATSML th…
According to [doc](https://github.com/LINNAE-project/SFB-Annotator/tree/master/doc#Example-1_2), the `person` field is set to `https://viaf.org/viaf/45106482/` but it could also be left out, resulting…
(added a new file `ResInfo-SameAs-pb` instead of modifying `ResInfo-SameAs`
because it breaks display of http://library.bdrc.io/show/bdr:P6161
yet fixes http://library.bdrc.io/show/eftr:WAITOH16)
cc @MansMeg FYI how the echo system works today with Swedish PM documents being referenced without an identifier in an American Library catalogue
Automatic linking based on recognized identifiers? For example, if a VIAF identifier is added as a property.
Författare hos SBL är en textsträng som ofta är omöjlig att koppla till skribent. Bra vore att ha [ORCID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORCID) eller annan identifierare / samma önskan skickad till [Li…