[In `.vimrc`](https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles/blob/ba59d567a3aa0604c7967df69f12f3f166022553/.vimrc#L6):
" Make Vim more useful
set nocompatible
The compatible option [defaul…
`gen_help_html.lua` problem at: https://neovim.io/doc/user/intro.html
Several of the ASCII drawings as well as the "from mode to mode" table are malformed when viewing on the web.
We need a new name for the plugin since it will conflict with the vimdocs for :help status
Will add this if there's enough demand for it.
Like **set fo+=a** mode in Vim
Reference: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/change.html#auto-format
Note: Vim reflows on every keypress, not jus…
после инициализаций остается ошибка внизу (после Mason и Lazy sync)
редактирую файл plugins/init.lua (добавляю всего лиш коментарий в одну сточку), после сохранения все ок потом и этот комент можно…
I usually make use of foldnestmax=2, more folding than that seems like an overkill to me (mostly Python code).
So having vim-anyf…
### Describe the bug
currently i have a sample dockerfile like this ( auto generate base on docker init ) …
In the Installation section, the instructions for lazy.nvim mention adding the following to init.lua:
`require("lazy").setup({{"nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", build = ":TSUpdate"}})`
But lazy.nvi…
Besides the `--help` and `-h` command line options/arguments, `atom` and `apm` should also have man pages. Moreover, Emacs and Vim have online documentation for their command line arguments and/or env…