Are you interested in working on a paid project? I have a good budget for you. I only need an ESP. If you're interested, send me your Discord, and let's talk.
Hello Harald is it possible
to get the spj from the Weather station so I can alter this.
We need to come up a recommended Project Management Strategy at our level to present up to leadership. This involves:
- [ ] Defining our Project Management requirements
- [ ] Identifying our challe…
Pokaż społeczności OpenStreetMap, jakich [danych](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tags) używasz. Dodaj Grave Finder do [listy](https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/projects) [projektów Taginfo](https…
In order to help G6 create more user-friendly and easily accessible documentation, we hereby launch this project.
**For those community users who have put forward important suggestions and made outs…
make a carousel to add more projects
Hello Ya'll!
Just wanted to ask if this project still active. I noticed it was last active a couple of years ago but not sure about its status, anyone knows?
When designing a tube system with big dimensions every time something is added it zooms out, making it hard to design detailed parts
# Summary
Some of the configuration shouldn't be centrally managed, as different user groups (linked to projects) may want to define them on their own.
# Motivation
We should make the distinc…
### TL;DR
`Error: project in subnetwork's self_link "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/{}/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/{}" must match subnetwork_project "`
Ref: https://github.com/…