cd doc
make linkcheck
and you'll see some red lines about broken links etc...
Full log on my machine:
writing output... [ 0%] _templates/class
writing output... [ 0%] _templates/funct…
So to set the stage, this is not an argument for or against local typeclasses or anything similar. I'm well aware of what typeclass coherence is. This is simply about what we can do within Scala.
Pour avoir français et anglais disponible lors de la sortie.
à faire
- enlever le texte en dur de l'image du menu, et remplacer par la police
- écrire un petit script qui permet de choisir la langue…
remove spaced tags too!
As you asked in ticket 3432668, I open a new ticket about the bug I'm experiencing.
When I add a new service with the log wizard, the related messages stay in the unknown messages list. I can only de…
Hello project contributor! Your willingness to contribute your time gratis entitles you to a say in this, and every other open, issue thread for this project. And this is the most broad of them all.
Are the Illumina input fields really correct? My user was surprised/confused by some of the options. This needs to be checked carefully!
Try the aloha document example - enter handling is totally screwed up. Pressing enter will produce errors like duplicating text, removing text and reposition the cursor.
There where a lot of inconsistency and bugs in the handling of trivial matrices.
The following patch aims to solve these and to check systematicly the coherence. Here is a selection of weirdness:
* …