The overview on multi-threading states that methods on ResourceFactory can be invoked from any thread at any time. But, D3D11ResourceCache can throw if multiple threads create Pipeline objects which h…
Hi, I fetched Veldrid.Samples source yesterday, and most of the sample work, but when I try to run the AnimatedMesh sample I get a build error. Below is the full log.
This is in Visual Studio 2017,…
This evening I looked into running Veldrid on Android, using Veldrid.StartupUtilities and MonoGame's MonoGameAndroidGameView.cs as references. I noticed StartupUtilities requests OpenGL 4.0 when it is…
First of all, the submodules are a tad messed up, so this creates a bunch of errors.
Secondly, are we gonna get an sln file at any point? ;)
If not, please send me a ZIP file of your local working d…
The NeoDemo project, and many other samples, aren't compatbile with rider and fails at the following step:
The error is:
ShaderGen.targets(35, 5): [MSB3073] The command "dotne…
When a shader path has a space in it then HLSL compilation fails:
>Failed to compile HLSL: StdOut: , StdErr: Too many files specified ('Control\Veldrid-Samples\bin\obj\TexturedCube\Cube-vertex.hlsl' …
Hi there,
I often run into ```CallbackOnCollectedDelegate``` exceptions that are bound to ```GL``` entry point delegates calls.
As far as I know, this exception happens if a delegate is called w…
### Description
Using an ASP.NET Core 2.0.6 app, I'm getting a thumbnailphoto (bytes array) from our AD and using `Image.Load(thumbnailPhoto)` to load it in a variable. This produces the error:
ngoov updated
6 years ago
I'm currently trying to get basic rendering down in Veldrid, and am trying to render a textured quad.
I have the following code. The issue is while no error is presented anywhere, nothing is rende…
replace opentk by monogame