## Description of Problem
Non-default export in MainLayout then trying to require it using `const MainLayout = require('./components/MainLayout').MainLayout;` in routes file fails with the following …
When I try to deploy my app (with [meteor-up](https://github.com/arunoda/meteor-up) `mup deploy` command) I got this error on build step then I test and found that same error also return when use…
`sudo luarocks install sha2`
The sha2 library works perfectly well in the Lua console
> require"sha2"
> print(sha2.sha512hex("tet"))
When creating an encrypted channel in Ruby, for example, you can simply do:
channel = channels.get('secret', encrypted: true, cipherParams: { key: 'very secret' })
This does not require one …
I get this error message when trying to deploy on heroku.
Counting objects: 1065, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (410/410), done.
Writing object…
From `admin/model/user/user.php`:
``` php
public function editPassword($user_id, $password) {
$this->db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "user` SET salt = '" . $this->db->escape($salt = su…
at saveAs (packages/pfafman_filesaver/lib/FileSaver.js:22:1)
`doc = view.document`
I Installed this libary to work on a server with PHP 5.3.2 and it seemed to work fine with my existing Database, that is until I had to drop my database and rebuild. Now the Passwords created with `H…
Hi! I'd never had worked with your class, someone is having trouble with his system and is asking for my help.
I'd check your function to create user and used it, created a user and try to login, but…
I've stumbled upon a case where long strings (over 72 bytes long) would always return true in matching even if the last characters where different...
Digging deeper i discovered that indeed bcrypt ha…