bs4 does not remove `b` HTML tags. Why?
text = "foo bar baz"
text = BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser").get_text()
A number of output-related methods in BeautifulSoup accept an argument named "formatter":
* https://github.com/python/typeshed/blob/main/stubs/beautifulsoup4/bs4/element.pyi#L298
* https://githu…
- [x] SEO @tsafacjo
- [x] Contacter les journaux en ligne camerounais
- [x] Uiliser Facebook Ads
- [x] Utiliser LInkedIn Ads
- [x] Contacter des influenceurs comme le warman, youtubeuse le coinst…
I am trying to set up automated build of our docs on rtd, which is limited to 1 GB mem usage (and 15min build time).
The sphinx step
reading sources... [ 25%] doxyindex
is at this point…
I'm trying to get the `localStorage` of an app via:
`const storage = await context.storageState();` and it outputs: `{ cookies: [], origins: [] }`
and then I try:
const lo…
behind this text, there is the debug log from nagstamon 3.11.20230126
It's strange, when i change the URL to 'https://SERVERNAME.verwaltung.stadtkoeln.de' the authenication works,
with this…
# Compatibility Report
Falcon 4
AppId 429530
## System Information
Client Built: Jun 4 2020, at 05:51:20
Steam versions: 1591251555
Steam …
Due to the fact that we have another issue that has had a number of OT comments I think it might be good to have a new mostly OT thread here rather than clutter the one in the other repo more or the i…
Guessing southwest changed something with their API?
user@linuxvm:~$ Caught error from revenue or international trip
Caught error from revenue or international trip
- **Poetry version**: Poetry (version 1.5.1)
- **Python version**: Python 3.11.4
- **OS version and name**: macOS Ventura 13.3 M2 Chip `macOS-13.3-arm64-arm-64bit`
- **pyproject.toml**: [p…