ioccc-src / mkiocccentry

Form an IOCCC submission as a compressed tarball file
28 stars 6 forks source link

Question: Issues that aren’t really major issues but are still issues #723

Open xexyl opened 1 year ago

xexyl commented 1 year ago

Due to the fact that we have another issue that has had a number of OT comments I think it might be good to have a new mostly OT thread here rather than clutter the one in the other repo more or the issue for jprint.

I had the thought of suggesting you reopen the other one but there's a comment there I don't want to get lost that I hope you can finish replying to (you were doing it in parts) when things are less busy here. I also wanted to see if anything in particular occurs if one uses the same name (I rather doubt it will but it popped into my head anyway).

Feel free to assign this to me even though it's not technically an issue that has to be resolved.

xexyl commented 1 year ago

As I don't feel up to working on the tool (too tired or something along those liens though I hope to a bit later on today[0]) I do have some OT things to bring up which I'll do in additional comments.

[0] I do have a zoom meeting today and I'll be done working on the repo for the day prior to this, whatever I got done, whether anything beyond the two open pull requests or not.

xexyl commented 1 year ago

Tolkien books

I know I told you about the book that Christopher blessed before his tragic death that you got and started to read (I still haven't had a chance to ... :( ) but I have also brought up some others that I wonder if you've got, books that are delightful.

There are others I know about that are great but that's a nice list if you didn't know about them. I have a book with pull outs of the maps but I can't access it .. they or it (might be one for Hobbit too - don't recall) are behind other books as I have limited space :( (not the only kinds of books that are inaccessible).


xexyl commented 1 year ago

Here's a fun one I just wrote ...

/* programmer's party simulator */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void drink() { drink(); }
void party()
     * get pissed as a fart and do something
     * exciting, I'm sure... (where exciting
     * means stupid)
/* programmer's social function */
void code() { printf("Go away! I'm programming!\n"); sleep(1); code(); }
int main()
    /* skip the party: just go home and write code! */
    goto home;

    home: code();

Not that coding is the same as programming as such ...

xexyl commented 11 months ago

So... I discovered an interesting problem with make test but not running the test script in question directly.

Check this:

make test
If you are curious, you may examine the newly created compressed tarball
by running the following command:

    /opt/local/libexec/gnubin/tar -Jtvf test_ioccc/test_work/entry.test-1.1689530054.txz

As you entered an IOCCC contest ID of 'test', the compressed tarball
that was just formed CANNOT be used as an IOCCC entry. Please
do NOT email the Judges your entry!

yes: standard output: Broken pipe

It only happens when running make test: from the top level directory but also the test directory. I'm not sure why this is.

The question is do you want me to open an issue with this problem? Of course low priority right now probably but it's kind of annoying and I feel like it shouldn't be there. I'd guess you agree.


One way to fix it would be to add a -y option that says 'yes' to everything. That might be useful to some people anyway. Want me to add such a feature ?

xexyl commented 11 months ago

.. and I see another problem with it - display - but probably insignificant given where it is:

Is the above list a correct list of files in your entry? [yn]: 
drwxr-xr-x  0 501    20          0 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20       1856 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/Makefile
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20          4 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/extra2
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20       3085 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/.auth.json
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20       2815 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/foo
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20         61 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/prog.c
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20       7623 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20       5235 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/bar
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20       1590 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/.info.json
-rw-r--r--  0 501    20          4 Jul 16 17:54 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab-2/extra1

... the output above is the listing of the compressed tarball.

Notice where the URL is.

I guess that that's just the way the script is and it's not a problem - since it ends up having to not prompt (exactly why we need the yes).

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

So... I discovered an interesting problem with make test but not running the test script in question directly.

Check this:

make test
If you are curious, you may examine the newly created compressed tarball
by running the following command:

    /opt/local/libexec/gnubin/tar -Jtvf test_ioccc/test_work/entry.test-1.1689530054.txz

As you entered an IOCCC contest ID of 'test', the compressed tarball
that was just formed CANNOT be used as an IOCCC entry. Please
do NOT email the Judges your entry!

yes: standard output: Broken pipe

It only happens when running make test: from the top level directory but also the test directory. I'm not sure why this is.

The question is do you want me to open an issue with this problem? Of course low priority right now probably but it's kind of annoying and I feel like it shouldn't be there. I'd guess you agree.

Yes, we agree.


One way to fix it would be to add a -y option that says 'yes' to everything. That might be useful to some people anyway. Want me to add such a feature ?

Yes, please.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

So... I discovered an interesting problem with make test but not running the test script in question directly. Check this:

make test
If you are curious, you may examine the newly created compressed tarball
by running the following command:

    /opt/local/libexec/gnubin/tar -Jtvf test_ioccc/test_work/entry.test-1.1689530054.txz

As you entered an IOCCC contest ID of 'test', the compressed tarball
that was just formed CANNOT be used as an IOCCC entry. Please
do NOT email the Judges your entry!

yes: standard output: Broken pipe

It only happens when running make test: from the top level directory but also the test directory. I'm not sure why this is. The question is do you want me to open an issue with this problem? Of course low priority right now probably but it's kind of annoying and I feel like it shouldn't be there. I'd guess you agree.

Yes, we agree.


One way to fix it would be to add a -y option that says 'yes' to everything. That might be useful to some people anyway. Want me to add such a feature ?

Yes, please.

It might as I think solve the problem in the script in which case there might not be a need for an issue being opened. I opened this directly so that I'll see the email - tomorrow. Too tired to do it today I'm afraid and I'm hoping to be leaving (laptop) for the day soon.

... of course it brings up a question of is there a problem with the script that should be isolated? It might or might not have a problem. Not sure. Is it worth trying to determine the cause? I think probably not unless the -y option doesn't solve it.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

So... I discovered an interesting problem with make test but not running the test script in question directly. Check this:

make test
If you are curious, you may examine the newly created compressed tarball
by running the following command:

    /opt/local/libexec/gnubin/tar -Jtvf test_ioccc/test_work/entry.test-1.1689530054.txz

As you entered an IOCCC contest ID of 'test', the compressed tarball
that was just formed CANNOT be used as an IOCCC entry. Please
do NOT email the Judges your entry!

yes: standard output: Broken pipe

It only happens when running make test: from the top level directory but also the test directory. I'm not sure why this is. The question is do you want me to open an issue with this problem? Of course low priority right now probably but it's kind of annoying and I feel like it shouldn't be there. I'd guess you agree.

Yes, we agree.


One way to fix it would be to add a -y option that says 'yes' to everything. That might be useful to some people anyway. Want me to add such a feature ?

Yes, please.

It might as I think solve the problem in the script in which case there might not be a need for an issue being opened. I opened this directly so that I'll see the email - tomorrow. Too tired to do it today I'm afraid and I'm hoping to be leaving (laptop) for the day soon.

... of course it brings up a question of is there a problem with the script that should be isolated? It might or might not have a problem. Not sure. Is it worth trying to determine the cause? I think probably not unless the -y option doesn't solve it.

I am thinking it might be a good idea to make an issue out of this and make it so that it's assigned to me. I am sure this will solve the problem but the other things are higher priority, right? If so do you think I should open an issue so I remember to do it later ?

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

I am thinking it might be a good idea to make an issue out of this and make it so that it's assigned to me. I am sure this will solve the problem but the other things are higher priority, right? If so do you think I should open an issue so I remember to do it later ?

Go ahead and open an new issue for this. That was it can be noted while other matters are prioritized.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

I am thinking it might be a good idea to make an issue out of this and make it so that it's assigned to me. I am sure this will solve the problem but the other things are higher priority, right? If so do you think I should open an issue so I remember to do it later ?

Go ahead and open an new issue for this. That was it can be noted while other matters are prioritized.

I will do that tomorrow.

I am about to have brownies that were pulled out of the oven about ten minutes ago.

I just needed to take it easy today. I hope that tomorrow is a more productive day.

Have a great night!

xexyl commented 11 months ago

I am thinking it might be a good idea to make an issue out of this and make it so that it's assigned to me. I am sure this will solve the problem but the other things are higher priority, right? If so do you think I should open an issue so I remember to do it later ?

Go ahead and open an new issue for this. That was it can be noted while other matters are prioritized.

I will do that tomorrow.

I am about to have brownies that were pulled out of the oven about ten minutes ago.

I just needed to take it easy today. I hope that tomorrow is a more productive day.

Have a great night!

Fixed it instead. See commit

Going to try and rest now though my body is telling me that won't last for long .. but possibly won't work on the other issues for a bit if not a while later. I do hope to work on it a bit today though but we'll see if I'm up to it. Hope you're sleeping well!

xexyl commented 11 months ago

Here's a funny screenshot for you. I first read this years ago. But I only remembered it earlier this year and I got a screenshot then. I would have to find the article again but this is the best part.


xexyl commented 11 months ago

Here's a funny screenshot for you. I first read this years ago. But I only remembered it earlier this year and I got a screenshot then. I would have to find the article again but this is the best part.


Glad you got a laugh .. I knew you would. Whilst I'm still waking up and downloading (almost downloaded) the macOS update - 13.5? - here's the article for you:

What I find hilarious is that it assumes that aliens have the same technology and use electricity and have same OSes and everything ... which is ridiculous and nonsense. Assuming there are aliens anyway: the real aliens are sadly ourselves. I don't believe in anything else: not until they're proven. And I hope they're not as humans destroy the unknown.

Hope you're sleeping well! Two days in a row I slept in till almost 3 .. not enough for it to be good news but still somewhat encouraging.

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

We were called away on a calc mission to help folks using FPGAs and DSPs to use a special "FNV-style" hash for the unusual 44-bit size of that hardware.

Being probably one of the few people on the planet who fully understands the number theory behind FNV, they need our support. So was had to create:

And make a special release of:

calc version

We hope to return to creating manifest lists for IOCCC and to updating this repo .. after we undergo and recover from a 3-hour dental procedure tomorrow.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

We were called away on a calc mission to help folks using FPGAs and DSPs to use a special "FNV-style" hash for the unusual 44-bit size of that hardware.

Being probably one of the few people on the planet who fully understands the number theory behind FNV, they need our support. So was had to create:


No problem ... best wishes.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

Here's a funny and sad story. Someone apparently was bragging - on Facebook of course! - about their brilliance because they have an IQ of 84. She thought it is out of 100.

Of course IQ testing is problematic and misses some critical things but this is still perfect.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

ChatGPT joke (copy pasted) about Bill Gates. It's a variation of an old one that I am sure you have seen before.


When Bill Gates arrived at the pearly gates, St. Peter said, "Bill, you've done so much for humanity with Microsoft. I'll give you a choice: you can either go to heaven or take a quick tour of hell first. Then, you can make your decision."

Bill thought for a moment and said, "Let me see hell first."

As he descended into hell, he saw all the suffering and torment. The devil even offered him the latest versions of Windows with constant crashes and bugs. After a quick glimpse, Bill said, "Okay, I've seen enough. Let's go to heaven."

When Bill reached heaven, he was greeted by angels and a beautiful, serene environment. St. Peter said, "So, what's your decision, Bill?"

Bill smiled and replied, "As much as I appreciate what I've done with Microsoft, heaven seems like the more stable option!"


I will be getting ready for sleep in about an hour from now but I do hope that I will be able to do more on the readme tomorrow morning.

Best wishes for tomorrow!

xexyl commented 11 months ago

I made an enhancement to location but before I commit I want your view on it and if something should change ...

The idea is that since one might not know the right country name (exact) to find the country code it allows for substrings. Then since it would normally find the first and then print that one and not another it allows for -a to show all matches. It takes a size_t * to keep track of where it left off (if found it is the found location + 1).

Now when using -a it does not use err(1, ...) for not found code because it expects to return NULL on nothing found: it has to eventually find nothing either because the index >= the size of the table or there is nothing.

Instead at the end if nothing is found it exits 1 but without an error.

I think this is a useful enhancement to the tool but I want your views on it before I proceed. I'm going to do other things now. I'll do more tomorrow.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

I made an enhancement to location but before I commit I want your view on it and if something should change ...

The idea is that since one might not know the right country name (exact) to find the country code it allows for substrings. Then since it would normally find the first and then print that one and not another it allows for -a to show all matches. It takes a size_t * to keep track of where it left off (if found it is the found location + 1).

Now when using -a it does not use err(1, ...) for not found code because it expects to return NULL on nothing found: it has to eventually find nothing either because the index >= the size of the table or there is nothing.

Instead at the end if nothing is found it exits 1 but without an error.

I think this is a useful enhancement to the tool but I want your views on it before I proceed. I'm going to do other things now. I'll do more tomorrow.

I've made some slight improvements of this ... will look at doing a commit later.

Maybe. I've been awake since far too early and I have a feeling today is going to be a long and difficult day. I hope to address the comments in the other issue but I'm not sure how much I'll manage. I'm going to try and rest again but I do have a bad feeling about today. So in case I am not very responsive today this is why and I'm sorry in advance! Hope you're sleeping well though.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

With commit the location tool has been improved a fair bit! At first it modified the lookup functions but I decided for the cleaner approach of making re-entrant versions.

The tool is now more useful for general use. The and the git log and man page (with some examples added) should give you enough information on the new features and how it all works but otherwise there's always RTFS :-) :-)

I do think this should be added to the general how to submit an entry faq but that can come later .. or maybe sometime soon. I think it would be wise if I added to a tmp/ directory a TODO file so that these things don't have to be made part of other issues that are unrelated: anything I find can be added to the temp todo file and then you need not worry about it. I'll still mention items related to specific issues though.

And I see you saw my reply earlier: sorry you were awake at the time. I'll be going afk soon I think but after that I'm not sure if I'll end up doing anything else here. Oh I think I can try and reply to the comment about json levels but it might not be anything beyond that.

Anyway the location tool is now more useful and I think you'll be happy with how it was implemented.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

Just a fun link for you. I unfortunately am not feeling very well today so I am not sure when I will get to the other thread but I hope to do that later today. Anyway.

Lava and Smoke Blanket Fagradalsfjall:

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

See commit 06ce951764fc9323095576a6bf86c1153f73e9f9 for an update relating to a cleanup of .gitignore files.

In particular:

Added dbg/.gitignore, dyn_array/.gitignore, and jparse/.gitignore as these are the main directories of trees that are "cloned" from other GitHub repos. Those other GitHub repos need their own main directory ".gitignore" file and so we add these new files in anticipation that they will use them.

Entries that belong to dbg/.gitignore, dyn_array/.gitignore, and jparse/.gitignore were removed from the top level .gitignore file.

We removed many of the "generic exclusion lines" from the top level .gitignore file. A "generic exclusion line" refers to an exclusion that is anywhere in the tree. Normally "generic exclusion lines" are the business of a given user's own "~/.gitignore" file.

We did leave behind 5 "generic exclusion lines" in the above mentioned .gitignore files:


It can be argued that even these files do not belong in a GitHub .gitignore files. We kept these 5 around as a compromise and to assist users who do not have a well setup "~/.gitignore" file.

We made all of the non-generic exclusion lines "/-path" based.

A number old entries in the .gitignore file that have no effect were removed. It is possible that we removed something that is still needed for certain more obscure cases. If that is true, then a later update to a .gitignore file can correct such a mistake.

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

It is a good idea to sometimes check the result of:

make clobber
git status --ignored

as well as:

make release
git status --ignored
lcn2 commented 11 months ago

With commit 59eebbc37826441d10a85ef05db2734ad490ad7a dbg version 3.0 2023-08-05 is ready for final review and testing.

    release dbg version 3.0 2023-08-05

    The dbg version was changed from "2.10 2023-08-01" to "3.0 2023-08-05"
    because the function `parse_verbosity()` was added to the interface.

    The `parse_verbosity()` was simplified to only take a "optarg" string.
    It longer exits and thus does NOT need to know the name of the
    calling program (or function).

    A new DBG symbol, DBG_INVALID, is returned by `parse_verbosity()`
    if an error is detected.

    The return from `parse_verbosity()` should checked for values < 0
    by the calling function.

    Updated the `dbg(1)` man page according to the above.

With commit 32b2a741c1bc366f5c056736be835163409429e8 dyn_test version 1.10 2023-08-05 ready for final review and testing.

    Changed DYN_TEST_VERSION from "1.9 2023-02-04" to "1.10 2023-08-05".

    Changes to dyn_test are in responce to release dbg version 3.0
    2023-08-05.  The dbg version was changed from "2.10 2023-08-01" to
    "3.0 2023-08-05" because the function `parse_verbosity()` was added
    to the interface.

    The `dyn_test` uses an static internal copy of `parse_verbosity()`,
    unless it is compiled with DBG_USE defined, in which case the
    `parse_verbosity()` function is taken from `dbg.a`.  By default,
    `dyn_test` is made with DBG_USE defined and thus by default `dyn_test`
    uses the `parse_verbosity()` function from `dbg.a`.

    Only the test code was impacted.  The `dyn_array.a` library
    does not use `parse_verbosity()`.

With commit f602c7417f8dd25364a4cbdd21a40f4fe5511d83 updates per new parse_verbosity() interface from dbg.a were made.

As changing the "dbg" interface is something that should not be done lightly, we plan to hold off on pushing both "dbg version 3.0 2023-08-05" and "_dyntest version 1.10 2023-08-05" until after a complete review of the changes have been made. The same goes for the "dyn_alloc" interface.

If you, @xexyl, find any nits with the above commits, please change dbg/ and dyn_array/ (as well as related source elsewhere in this repo) instead of committing those changes directly to the dbg repo and the dyn_arrray repo.

We plan to reject the existing pull requests in those repos in favor of the above commits as well as any additional correction commits that may be needed under the dbg/ and dyn_array/ sub-directories. Instead, and once we are satiated with the current state of the dbg/ and dyn_array/ sub-directories, we will make a single pull request under the dbg repo and the dyn_arrray repo.

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

With commit 29e1c92940c528d2e24edd9c8af96e19dd9440f4, rules that help incorporate the external dbg repo, the external dyn_array, and the external jparse repo have been added, modified or replaced.

We know that the external jparse repo is not ready, but we added so that the rules that will be useful once the repo is ready.

For details or to remind yourself of what these rules do, see: make, make,, and

As the expression goes, "it goes without saying", so we will say it anyway :-), some of these rules should be used with care.

Recommend action

You may wish to run make all.setup to get ready for these rules, @xexyl.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

I will reply to the above comments later today. Some useful things you noted. Thanks.

I will be back at the laptop in I hope about half an hour or perhaps a bit before that.

I hope to reply to all comments and get a few more code changes in ad well as documentation updates.

I think at that point there actually won't be anything that I can do until more discussion is had.

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

In regards to comment 1666631983, @xexyl, let us know when you have had the opportunity to review recent changes in dbg/ and dyn_array/, but especially dbg/ changes after version 2.9.

Once your review is finished we will fold those changes into a new release in those repos.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

In regards to comment 1666631983, @xexyl, let us know when you have had the opportunity to review recent changes in dbg/ and dyn_array/, but especially dbg/ changes after version 2.9.

Once your review is finished we will fold those changes into a new release in those repos.

One thing that comes to mind with the new make rule is:

If git clone fails because you do not have the ssh key, try:

    git clone jparse.clone

Cloning into 'jparse.clone'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 15, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 15 (delta 0), reused 15 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (15/15), done.

Wasn't I going to have the jparse repo? But I had the thought that I could give you access so that you can do things too. Does that sound good?

As far as other things do you want me to look at the code changes for example or what did you have in mind?

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

In regards to comment 1666631983, @xexyl, let us know when you have had the opportunity to review recent changes in dbg/ and dyn_array/, but especially dbg/ changes after version 2.9. Once your review is finished we will fold those changes into a new release in those repos.

One thing that comes to mind with the new make rule is:

If git clone fails because you do not have the ssh key, try:

  git clone jparse.clone

Cloning into 'jparse.clone'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 15, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 15 (delta 0), reused 15 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (15/15), done.

Wasn't I going to have the jparse repo? But I had the thought that I could give you access so that you can do things too. Does that sound good?

As far as other things do you want me to look at the code changes for example or what did you have in mind?

Oops, we used our clone of your repo. Feel free to change that if you wish, or wait until your repo is ready.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

In regards to comment 1666631983, @xexyl, let us know when you have had the opportunity to review recent changes in dbg/ and dyn_array/, but especially dbg/ changes after version 2.9. Once your review is finished we will fold those changes into a new release in those repos.

One thing that comes to mind with the new make rule is:

If git clone fails because you do not have the ssh key, try:

    git clone jparse.clone

Cloning into 'jparse.clone'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 15, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 15 (delta 0), reused 15 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (15/15), done.

Wasn't I going to have the jparse repo? But I had the thought that I could give you access so that you can do things too. Does that sound good? As far as other things do you want me to look at the code changes for example or what did you have in mind?

Oops, we used our clone of your repo. Feel free to change that if you wish, or wait until your repo is ready.

I thought that might have been it - as I remembered you cloned it. Fixed in commit

xexyl commented 11 months ago

BTW: my mum got breakthrough Covid .. tested positive last night. So I'll be helping her out more than usual. I don't know how much that'll get in the way of interacting here or working on the repo but it might. But it might not as I tend to wake up so early anyway. Fortunately she is fully vaccinated and just got booster dose (as did I) a couple weeks ago or so.

She has a prescription for paxlovid which she can pick up today. She talked with her pulmonologist and there is a plan of action but anyway I will be doing more things away from the computer than usual.

.. just don't get me started on anti-vaxxers ...

lcn2 commented 11 months ago

BTW: my mum got breakthrough Covid .. tested positive last night. So I'll be helping her out more than usual. I don't know how much that'll get in the way of interacting here or working on the repo but it might. But it might not as I tend to wake up so early anyway. Fortunately she is fully vaccinated and just got booster dose (as did I) a couple weeks ago or so.

She has a prescription for paxlovid which she can pick up today. She talked with her pulmonologist and there is a plan of action but anyway I will be doing more things away from the computer than usual.

Sad news, but hopefully her case will be only a small and temporary setback.

.. just don't get me started on anti-vaxxers ...

Yes, sigh.

xexyl commented 11 months ago

BTW: my mum got breakthrough Covid .. tested positive last night. So I'll be helping her out more than usual. I don't know how much that'll get in the way of interacting here or working on the repo but it might. But it might not as I tend to wake up so early anyway. Fortunately she is fully vaccinated and just got booster dose (as did I) a couple weeks ago or so. She has a prescription for paxlovid which she can pick up today. She talked with her pulmonologist and there is a plan of action but anyway I will be doing more things away from the computer than usual.

Sad news, but hopefully her case will be only a small and temporary setback.

She says thank you. I'm sure it'll be okay. We're actually pretty sure that she had it before anyone knew what it was. She was really sick and she wasn't sure she would make it through. This time it seems much better - understandably as she's vaccinated.

.. just don't get me started on anti-vaxxers ...

Yes, sigh.

There are some very funny cartoons at least about this by the unfortunately late German cartoonist Martin Perscheid. But it's unfortunately a very bad situation which has only prolonged things more. They're also the ones who are the most vocal about it and complain the most about measures to try and save lives. A very sad thing that people complain about inconveniences to save lives.

xexyl commented 11 months ago


This one is very mean but excellent. It says: 'Anti-vaxxer week at the funeral house Schröder! All kids' coffins half price!'

xexyl commented 11 months ago

acsfmhe176581 jpg

No, you do not need to have your children vaccinated. Should an epidemic break out we'll burn a witch!

Finally Nadine has found a paediatrician who understands her.

xexyl commented 11 months ago


Don't act like that! An ordinary polio has not harmed anyone yet!

If the refusal of vaccination continues to spread.

... of course it did harm a lot of people but that's just one of the ways he addressed problems. Some would be called sexist and other things but that was his way of addressing the problem. Sadly died in 2021.

Anyway the good news is I'm asthmatic so that I have a nebuliser which my mother can use and she has numerous times already. That's helpful. She'll be all right. Anyway thanks for the regards!

xexyl commented 11 months ago

A recent joke of mine that I made into a meme...


xexyl commented 11 months ago

I'm off for bed but before I do... here's a funny video about Mt St Helens - a person telling how police told him how they tried to catch him. I mean it obviously is very dangerous but how he did it ...

Was a fun documentary that I first saw - got it from YouTube.

I hope to do more tomorrow morning. Good night!

xexyl commented 11 months ago

What section does print_test man page belong in ?

I certainly won't be doing it today but I just remembered it ... or saw it and remembered I hadn't made a man page for it. But so that I know what section to put it in for when I do do it. I guess 8?

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

What section does print_test man page belong in ?

I certainly won't be doing it today but I just remembered it ... or saw it and remembered I hadn't made a man page for it. But so that I know what section to put it in for when I do do it. I guess 8?

Good question. Because this tool is not for general use, we recommend print_test(8) be put into section 8.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

What section does print_test man page belong in ? I certainly won't be doing it today but I just remembered it ... or saw it and remembered I hadn't made a man page for it. But so that I know what section to put it in for when I do do it. I guess 8?

Good question. Because this tool is not for general use, we recommend print_test(8) be put into section 8.

Thanks. Maybe it can be added to the todo in the other thread?

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

What section does print_test man page belong in ?

I certainly won't be doing it today but I just remembered it ... or saw it and remembered I hadn't made a man page for it. But so that I know what section to put it in for when I do do it. I guess 8?

Good question. Because this tool is not for general use, we recommend print_test(8) be put into section 8.

Thanks. Maybe it can be added to the todo in the other thread?

Added this to TODO in other thread.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Well now it's my turn for breakthrough Covid. Fortunately I did get all booster doses due to having severe asthma but I knew I had it with the cough that I got. I am very familiar with what respiratory infections feel like since I spent a lot of time with asthma attacks when I was younger. It's under control but when I get a respiratory infection anything goes.

I slept in way late for me which is good but the situation is obviously bad.

Fortunately I am not an idiot and am fully vaccinated and I have a nebuliser because of being asthmatic.

I don't know if this will affect my ability to do things here but I hope that I can do a bit anyway every day.

I will be getting the medication today. If this was 2020 I would be in very real trouble. If it happened when I was younger I would be in even worse trouble.

But I won't be doing anything else here today. Maybe reply to some comments but even that is not certain.

I will keep you updated!

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

Well now it's my turn for breakthrough Covid. Fortunately I did get all booster doses due to having severe asthma but I knew I had it with the cough that I got. I am very familiar with what respiratory infections feel like since I spent a lot of time with asthma attacks when I was younger. It's under control but when I get a respiratory infection anything goes.

I slept in way late for me which is good but the situation is obviously bad.

Fortunately I am not an idiot and am fully vaccinated and I have a nebuliser because of being asthmatic.

I don't know if this will affect my ability to do things here but I hope that I can do a bit anyway every day.

I will be getting the medication today. If this was 2020 I would be in very real trouble. If it happened when I was younger I would be in even worse trouble.

But I won't be doing anything else here today. Maybe reply to some comments but even that is not certain.

I will keep you updated!

Best wishes for a fast and easy recovery.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Well now it's my turn for breakthrough Covid. Fortunately I did get all booster doses due to having severe asthma but I knew I had it with the cough that I got. I am very familiar with what respiratory infections feel like since I spent a lot of time with asthma attacks when I was younger. It's under control but when I get a respiratory infection anything goes.

I slept in way late for me which is good but the situation is obviously bad.

Fortunately I am not an idiot and am fully vaccinated and I have a nebuliser because of being asthmatic.

I don't know if this will affect my ability to do things here but I hope that I can do a bit anyway every day.

I will be getting the medication today. If this was 2020 I would be in very real trouble. If it happened when I was younger I would be in even worse trouble.

But I won't be doing anything else here today. Maybe reply to some comments but even that is not certain.

I will keep you updated!

Best wishes for a fast and easy recovery.

Thank you very much.

My understanding is that the medication leaves an awful taste the entire time it's in your system. I am not looking forward to that but it has to be done. I am certainly used to awful tasting medications including those I have had to take when I have the flu (like a year that there was a shortage of the vaccine) and for when my platelets were very low but I am not used to it staying there.

I am just resting now. Have a phone call with the doctor later on so that I can get the prescription.

I just am thankful that it's not 2020 and that my asthma is generally under control these days. It could easily kill me. It has killed millions of people many of whom had no health problems at all.

It's really a terrible tragedy. I just want it to be over but when you have certain governments not letting people get vaccinated and you have others who refuse and you have people with weaker immune systems and people who don't take it seriously you have what we have now.

I almost immediately thought that it would become seasonal but we are not even at that stage yet because it's year round. There is no season for SARS-CoV-2 yet.

Many people have had their lives ruined. I was never comfortable out and about but it's got so much worse now. Always taking health seriously I have no problem wearing a mask but with glasses it does make it hard to see so that's another reason I don't like it. But I do it anyway because life isn't a joke and I have known people who have died terrible deaths from serious illness and I have had many close calls too.

People who complain about these inconveniences are the ones who have prolonged it only for them to get more annoyed at it all.

Honestly if it wasn't for the hindrance of my already very poor vision I would not mind wearing a mask even after this is all over. But it really isn't going to be over. Not fully. It has gone too far for there to be a return. It might get some better but there are some things that have changed permanently or at least for a very long time.

Anyway thank you very much. Hopefully it isn't too bad since I am fully vaccinated and getting the medication soon. Fortunately I know what respiratory symptoms feel like. When I had the cough this morning I knew that I had it. There was no doubt in my mind.

Whether I can do anything here for the days of being sick will depend on how I feel. I imagine that each day will get better perhaps only because I am getting help so soon. But I suspect that today and tomorrow will be particularly rough.

Knowing my body it might be that once I am better it might take some time to recover fully. But at the same time I do also heal quickly. But that's from injuries and surgery and such. Respiratory infections are another matter entirely.

Hope you have a great day! I hope to be able to check in tomorrow at least.

Stay safe and well my friend!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Update on my condition

The good news is I lucked out on the bad taste in the mouth. No problem there.

But I had massive emesis. Threw up seven or eight times last night. Except for one scrambled egg a little bit ago I have been on a liquid diet. Vomit is not the only way I have lost fluid but the vomiting is much worse so I'm glad that is over esp as I need to keep the medication, three pills at a time, down. Now three pills is nothing for me and I'm also very good at taking pills with very little liquid which was especially useful yesterday. I've had more liquid today as I think I said.

I'm having problems thinking and memory problems too and my memory is usually very good. Though of course that's only short term memory at this time. I just wrote a great deal about a topic I have been passionate about for years. Wrote it on my phone as I was too tired to have the laptop up (it is up now and I'm typing on it). Well typing WITH the phone, not on the phone :-)

But since I rely on caffeine to be more awake and since it's a diuretic and I know I was seriously dehydrated and maybe still am somewhat I'm obviously not taking any caffeine tablet. But another reason to not take it is when sick one needs extra rest. Of course every day when I'm not sick and do take caffeine there's a high chance I will sleep after taking it. I have high tolerance. Funnily enough I also have high tolerance to sedating drugs as well and have even been clearer headed with those. I can be wide awake on those although not so much now as I no longer take them very often (I did for sleep for example but that caused more problems including some pretty awful problems and I don't need them anyway).

My aunt who lives about five minutes away by car also finally tested positive. This is not surprising as my mum was helping her with her poor dog - or dogs really or two of her dogs. One of her dogs had bone cancer in the leg. Fortunately it had not spread so they could amputate the leg but some jerk (before the amputation) cut my mum off when she was bringing that dog home (as my auntie had another vital appointment with another of her dog - both at emergency vet!) and the poor dog, Falke (German for hawk though I get the feeling you might know some German if not fluent[0]), fell over and my mother has never heard a dog cry like he did. Then the little 💩decided he didn't want to be in front of my mother as there was too little space so he cut another person off. Ever since then my mother has been in the car in the back seat next to the dog when in the car. As well after the surgery my mum has massaged the dog and also helped clean him up after he soiled himself, the poor thing. He'll manage with three legs. There's even the famous dog who walks like a human because he has only two legs, the two hind legs of course.

My mum is further along than me but still very sick. The only good thing about my aunt having it is my mother can help her some now if it's possible in other ways. Fortunately also because soon the dog has an appointment with the oncologist as despite the leg being amputated it's very likely he'll require chemo. Fortunately dogs do tend to handle it better than humans and if not I guess for the nausea at least there might be some relief from antiemetics.

I have had to take the nebuliser many times and I will be taking it again. Breathing is okay but when I cough - which fortunately is not very often (probably because of the vaccines as well knowing[1] that I had it so testing it and it was true and so getting to start the medication sooner) but the cough hurts badly in the chest. My throat is really awful right now both because of nasal drip (though nasal rinses and following that a nasal spray do help) and the vomiting last night. That was really awful. Fortunately I was mostly able to keep the pils down. That is imperative. I much rather the liquid loss the way it is now than what it was yesterday.

I have slept a lot and I anticipate this will happen for some days. I don't really know if it'll clear up in the typical five days (typical with the medication). I can see it happening that it might take longer because of my asthma but hopefully not. Some people actually have symptoms after it and have to do another course. I hope I don't but if I do I know I should at least be better than before. I plan on making brownies for us all three when we're all better.

But basically I'm afraid I won't be doing anything here for a few days. Depending on the situation I'll try and keep you updated but I might not be able to and there might not be things to update you with anyway.

[0] I am not fluent but I know some as you'd have figured out by now. Do you know it?

[1] This comes from experience with severe asthma and knowing what respiratory viruses do to me. Only thing is if I have ever felt this rotten physically it was a long time ago and I don't remember it.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

On the subject of liquid loss / dehydration though I do have a funny story! Years ago I was at the doctor, probably gastroenterologist. As I was going in to the room another patient was coming out. He had to have an endoscopy and/or colonoscopy and so he was given the usual instructions of CLEAR liquids. So his VERY FIRST QUESTION was - and I am not making this up - if BEER was considered clear liquid!

I had to contain extreme laughter because it was so ridiculous and so funny and ignorant and arguably stupid too ...

Anyway I hope that this brings you a laugh or smile and I hope that I'll be able to work on this or the other repo in a few days from now! I'm going to go watch a fun documentary that I've seen numerous times on the creation of Earth (by which I mean the gravity pulling rocks - plus Theia, for whatever it is worth - together to the having Snowball Earth also for whatever it is worth and life forming and dinosaurs all the way up to humans).


lcn2 commented 10 months ago

Hope your recovery is going well, @xexyl.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Hope your recovery is going well, @xexyl.

Thank you very much! I had more nausea last night so today I have to have less food than yesterday. Unfortunately also I had a harder night in other ways and certainly got less sleep.

I'm still struggling to think and remember things and focus (and certainly having trouble wording things which is really frustrating for someone who is usually very good with words). In general I'm struggling to think, focus and function. But the breathing is a little bit better at least. Still have some days at the very least to go of course. The last day of the initial course is Sunday so I'll test myself on Monday. But even if I test negative then (which I hope so) I'll test again on Tuesday or Wednesday just to be sure.

Even after that it could be a while before I'm fully capable to do things but I hope that by the end of next week if not before I can do some things here.

Thank you very much for your concern and kind thoughts!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Quick update before sleep that's creeping up on me.

First of all I wanted to thank you for holding off on the other thread. Your instinct is right - it would be a bit overwhelming and I might feel inclined to (or at least want to against knowing better) trying to reply. This is a really nasty disease so I need to be very careful so thank you for your concern in that way too. It's quite regrettable as this delays the IOCCC some too but hopefully things will be better sooner than later.

Last night I did not have any problem with throwing up but I right now feel that feeling in my throat that preceded it both nights it happened so I have to be careful and hope that it does not happen tonight.

Tomorrow is my last day of the medication but it does stay in the body a bit longer.

My mum still tested positive but with her age and other health issues it's expected. A dear friend of mine who doesn't really have health problems that would affect it (maybe asthma but if so I don't think severe - we haven't really talked about it though but I seem to recall she once said she was at one point considered a higher risk) and it was a while before she tested negative too. Like us she wears masks all the time but has to deal with people not wearing masks. But it is a nasty virus.

Anyway Monday I theoretically can test myself but I might give it a few more days. I suspect it won't be clear from me on Monday. Today was a bit better but I still feel very weak and have a hard time being up for even short amounts of times. Breathing is not that great either but that's being dealt with okay.

Hope you're well and do stay safe!