**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Text between a Gallery and normal image disappears while in Zen mode.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:…
Trackman should replace the Program Log, which is a paper log of PSAs, Underwriting, Promos, IDs, and when they were read by the DJ on-air. This does not replace the engineering log (mostly a tool to …
Publicá tu sala en nuestro booking, de forma fácil, completando el formulario y sumate a nuestra comunidad, es gratis y comenzá a ganar clientes!!!
![promo amr](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/6185…
The link to the demo in
leads to an archived asciinema
This could be taken while waiting for a bus or walking to work. We can stitch them all together for a promo/trailer video?
I use `in_app_purchase` package (https://pub.dev/packages/in_app_purchase) in my Flutter app. However, I still have no idea about implementing a promotion, like what documented here (for Android):…
# Background
Hi community,
This issue is for #26878.
ShardingSphere parser engine helps users parse a SQL to get the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) and visit this tree to get SQLStatement (Java Object). …
Cafe Thieves and Bar
![2nd floor promo 2](https://user-images…
Cafe Thieves and Bar
![2nd floor promo 3](https://user-images…
### Describe the bug:
Coupon that are unable to be synced to (unsupported countries?) still show as pending which may create some confusion.
The logs indicate what is actually happening