Can someone teach me how to remove this Stock Count in monitor.js Thanks
WMNS Adidas NMD_R1 - Black/White/Grey
Stock Count: Unavailable
but when i clicked there are sizes available.
i …
A simple use case of this would be to make a box color greenish when good values are given, and redish when bad values are given, giving a visual alert of things to notice.
It would be good to see a …
**Shipit Version:** `0.18.1`
**Ruby Version:** `ruby 2.4.1p111`
While upgrading from Shipit `v0.14.0` to `v0.18.1` I encountered the following error when visiting the root of the engi…
Possible to make make tuto for Linux ?
Hey, I got the monitor set up and it was working fine, but when I added a few new sites it started throwing this error.
image: product…
So Slack seems to be working fine. However, twitter doesn't seem to tweet everything as slack does. What could it be?
Jeffrey and I spent some time today talking about how we want to handle the checkout integration into the Unity side of the project. Initially we were thinking
of having the checkout l…
hey, i set up my twitter and gave all the requested info. it is not tweeting out although monitor shows new items added
I did setup the config file, did all the setup things, but when I type node monitor.js on my terrminal
[11:39:06] Missing, config.json file or invalid json syntax.
### Preconditions
1. PHP 5.3
2. Magento 2.1.7
1. PHP 7.1.10
### Steps to reproduce
1. replace magento version 2.1.7 to 2.2.0 in the composer.json file
2. run composer update