Create snapshot
sudo -u hdfs hadoop dfs -createSnapshot /user/sitysat/precious sebc-hdfs-test
recover from snapshot
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -cp -ptopax /user/sitysat/precious/.snapshot/sebc-hd…
I have been having a rough day installing MySQL Replication most of the morning, I skipped that part and continued with the installation of Cloudera Manager.
Even that is not progressing , with…
I got this error when running rollout.sh:
Started gpfdist on port 9005
executing on hadoop01.home.net ./start_gpfdist.sh 9006 /data/hawq/segmentdd/pivotalguru_6
Started gpfdist on port 9006
We need to book locations for Civic Hack Nights/Saturdays starting in July going forward. Let's us this thread to coordinate who is reaching out to which potential sponsors.
The general pattern (wi…
The permission of default "admin" user cannot be taken away from cloudera manager.
Install Cloudera Manager
I am setting up this Cluster in **Azure** environment