When trying SparseInt with ViT, I get this error
File "/home/user/anaconda3/envs/detectron2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1102, in _call_impl
return forw…
In the [Model Zoo](https://github.com/facebookresearch/vissl/blob/main/MODEL_ZOO.md), an accuracy of 83.38 is reported. However, the experiment configuration is not shared in the json file. I try to r…
add the capacity to fit biased PPMs by passing a bias raster to ppmify - probably as a raster passed via the area argument, with a `bias = FALSE` argument determining whether to sum across the cells o…
> We also noted that products do not contain the list of input RAW (and calib) data that were used to create them. This is critical if one would like to do QC, debug and can be use…
您好,您的工作我很喜欢,做的非常好。所以我想重新运行程序,复现结果。我只有一张GPU,batchsize=8, learning rate =0.00005, 使用sparse_inst_r50_giam.yaml配置,其余都没有更改,为什么结果这么低呢(您给的结果是33.4AP,我重新训练运行结果却只有27.00AP)。很期待您的回复,谢谢。
after making my pt with this coomand:
` ./vits/train.py --num-epochs 1 --model-type low --max-duration 40 `
I try to run this command:
` ./vits/infer.py --epoch 1 --max-duration 40 `
and got th…
Hi Team,
I have been trying to train MViT on the custom dataset, but it happens to overfit very quickly on a dataset of size 10k images. It reached 5%< error in the first iteration for the trainse…
nik13 updated
2 years ago
Had a look at my own blog with my jolla today and a video on there was a bit screwed up, sound is working though.
This [issue202](https://github.com/fizyr/keras-retinanet/issues/202) is facing a similar problem. There, he/she suggested to up sample the input image, which doesn't seem reasonable to me.
My solut…
Upon doing the Alanine Dipeptide tutorial given on openpathsampling website using GROMACS, all the steps I have done like what it is showing in the tutorial. All the steps up to committor analysis wer…