Could you let accessible for the already trained models in this work ? thank you very much in advance
I am wondering how to specify the data dir and the file structure of COCO dataset for quantizing DeiT models? I tried to make it like ImageNet dataset which has been given in README, but there is…
TypeError: EncoderDecoder: SwinTransformer: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pretrain_style'. mmcv.__version__='1.3.12'
Python 3.6.13
whole code:
from mms…
Hi, thank you for your great work.
I wonder if there is any way that I can freeze the weights of the backbone(swin) and only finetune the mask rcnn model.
Hi, I'm running PyTorch on an encoder/decoder architecture and am having a problem with cuDNN.
If I include
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
cudnn.benchmark = True
in my Pyth…
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I can't find the cause of this problem, can you help me see it?
In the official code, relative_position_bias_table is initialized in a truncated normal distribution. Is that part missing in this repo?
Official code:
When I training the model which type is maskrcnn, the error likes title was encouraged, dose anyone knows what's going on? or have met this erro before?
The problem seems like in mmcv.
The Traceback…
When i ran demo with python demo/image_demo.py demo/demo.jpg configs/swin/mask_rcnn_swin_tiny_patch4_window7_mstrain_480-800_adamw_3x_coco.py,it appears this ERROR"MaskRCNN: SwinTransformer: __init__…