I am getting the following error and I have followed the steps to build Open3D:
master make ✔ …
currently trying to use whisperX (which uses faster whisper, which uses CTranslate2), and am getting the following error
`Could not locate cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll. Please make sure it is in your li…
[ 9%] Building CXX object modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core.dir/src/system.cpp.obj
[ 9%] Building CXX object modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core.dir/src/tables.cpp.obj
[ 9%] Building CXX object…
in Issue #3, I have already reported some troubles getting `epsilon` to compile on Fedora 26. Unfortunately, the same happens also on Fedora 28, which raises the question whether one should try…
Currently, the provided binary is quite old and cannot be run on macOS 14 and later. #250
Since #389 is merged, are there any plans to provide updated prebuilt binary for macOS?
I am trying to …
cmake -Bbuild . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # add -G Ninja to build faster
-- Git found: /usr/bin/git
-- SIBR version :
BRANCH fossa_compatibility
COMMIT_HASH 3dcfc2fb9b76c4e91030637c03d955fe42f8…
can not make driver.
studio@studio-PRO-ADL-N-Cubi-N-MS-B0A9:~/programs/aes67-linux-daemon/3rdparty/ravenna-alsa-lkm/driver$ make
make -C /lib/modules/6.8.0-47-generic/build/ M=/home/studio/prog…
Building on 8 cores
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr…
Configure fails for master branch:
---> Configuring notekit
Executing: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_svacchanda_SonomaPorts_gnome_notekit/notekit/work/build" && /opt/local/bin/cmake …
I don't know if there will be a development plan to support this.