Using column scaling
I am trying to extend your wrapper to provide additional functionality, specifically, to be able to pass CSC matrices seamlessly between Julia and C (without going through the `extractTuples` and `bui…
Sage 9.1 fails to build with cuda 11, as cuda 11 no longer supports the "architecture" compute_30.
Upstream ticket: https://github.com/DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse/issues/56
A fix would be to r…
~I noticed that `LAGraph_binwrite` frees the matrix after serializing it:~ https://github.com/GraphBLAS/LAGraph/blob/75ec0c86276901f105c84bc490f30166b40b608a/Experimental/Utility/LAGraph_binwrite.c#L4…
This is from master
error: expected expression before ‘int’
int : GxB_Global_Option_set , \
error: expected expression before ‘_Bool’
Tested on gcc 4.8.5, …
**Size of release/project**
**Which indexes**
**Reasons for the request**
`grblas` is a Python wrapper around [GraphBLAS](h…
Followup of issues #40 and #50.
I am trying to collect the required Java versions:
* `differential*`: 8/11
* `EMFSolutionAOF`: 8
* `EMFSolutionATL*`: 8
* `EMFSolutionViatra`: 8/11?
* `EMFSo…
Simple example showing how to use Semirings. Preferably not something which is too abstract that you need to be an expert in the field to understand what's going on.
On page 45 of "GraphBLAS_API_C_v13.pdf", I see:
#define GRB_VERSION 1
#define GrB_SUBVERSION 3
I am surprised by the use of `GRB` (all caps), and also the inconsistency (`GRB` and `…