Today I saw the following error on the juju logs, and when running the command with `juju run` I get the same error:
$ juju run --unit slurmctld/leader "relation-get -r 71 - slurmdbd --app…
Running integration test I am getting the following:
➜ prometheus-operator git:(main) tox -e integration
integration installed: attrs==21.2.0,backcall==0.2.0,bcrypt==3.2.0,cachetools==4.…
Hi Authors,
I greatly appreciate your work, establishing a new SOTA for referenced caption evaluation metric, and your contributions to open source. However, I noticed some issues in the current re…
build with cmake3.6 will get error
Make Error at tools/doctest/CMakeLists.txt:5 (target_compile_features):
target_compile_features specified unknown feature "cxx_std_11" for target
I encountered problem where `_ModelBackend.juju_log()` threw an exception while logging message from underlying python modules. This happened to me when I was using `kubernetes` python client to crea…
目前拿公開的ernie-vil-VCR-task-pretrained model (large & base) 預訓練好的參數, 重製VCR task的結果, 但表現遠低於版上的結果:
1. model-ernie-vil-large-VCR-task-pre-en 在 VCR-QA validation split 僅得 avg acc: 23.5
2. mo…
Charm goes into a blocked state when removing a consuming application or relation. The database-relation-broken hook gets the following traceback as it assumes that the data is available in the relati…
On the Discord we were discussing making some changes to the mod format to help with better organization. One of the suggestions I had was encapsulating Code 1 and Code 2 blocks into a single JSON, wh…
Hi @LiJunnan1992,
Congrats on your great work, and thanks for releasing the code!! To help reproduce the pretraining experiments, could you release the dataset json files for the pretraining datase…
Hi, I don't quite understand the code here.
`self._size_mul` is used for partitioning, t…