Is it possible to provide some background information on the Knight Foundation grant that is funding the open data policy? Is there some public supporting documentation?
With firefox and chrome on Windows:
I'm not issued any task after authentication of my OSM account for some challenges (all except "overlapping ways") despite side panel claiming a few tasks remain.
- [x] fix redirect loop on create user (registration)
- [x] fix links on profile when comes from a dashboard subdomain
- [x] add searchs by tag for projects
Check the feature Import from github, is not working.
Right now we have a generic `createHTML()` method as well as `createHTMLImage()`. I have been making [examples for the ITP Creative JavaScript course](https://github.com/lmccart/itp-creative-js) that…
avatars.io doesn't work as expected: sometimes it renders a default image, I think it's because it has a requests limit and as we are requesting a lot of images for contributors on a dashboard for eac…
After a certain level, you unlock the **ability** to use gold to **buy land and a charter to build a castle** on the [game map](https://trello.com/c/MyUoEMFg).
Your character rules the city. His sta…
![prince of persia - rival swords](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/4152456/705744/3831e62a-dddc-11e2-883d-544b3d66ddcf.png)
Could we get this up by Aug. 16? I will add descriptions and logos to this page, broken down the same way as last year.
The layout from last year is fine: