Finalize the selection of the pre-trained model for analyzing sentiment in flight reviews by comparing and evaluating the accuracy of results from both RoBERTa and Vader models.
### Goal
Act as a researcher and run through the submission process to better understand the software, file formats, etc. Also, review the process for pain points during the submission process. Ident…
This is my code for flight booking automation.
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser https://www.expedia.com/ chrome
Maximize Browser Window
**URL**: https://booking.jal.co.jp/jl/dom-bkg/upsell/outbound
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 113.0
**Operating System**: Windows 11
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes Edge
**Problem type**: Site is…
Tracking updates of www.redditgifts.com
- Early planning
- Packing
- Traveling with baby