Hi folks,
as well as waiting for biological testing on OSM-S-106 and [The twisted analogue](https://github.com/OpenSourceMalaria/OSM_To_Do_List/issues/161), I have already had good interest in the Ma…
We're a group of undergrads basically trying to make a soundcloud rip off with Node.js and Angular. Anyways, the problem we have is how would you write code to automatically create and show wavesurfer…
From the email thread:
@palme516: I'm looking at the S8 cleaning output file. The columns seem to be different from those in S7. The one from S7 is in shared/TimeStampCleaning/CleanedCaptures. Specif…
Any repos from SG doing this? If so, let's promote them.
Electees should not be able to signup for multiple interviews (e.g. in the same part 1 for undergrads). If an electee attempts to sign up for an interview slot AFTER ALREADY SIGNING UP FOR ONE, s/he s…
Please create a view for interview feedback. Ideally, this view would have the following columns:
1. Electee Name
2. Electee Uniqname
3. Interviewer i name (link to their evaluation) [color code the b…
Hi @jhpoelen! Getting ready for a new crew of undergrads to keep adding to our Avian Diet Database this fall. For now, we'll try to do this by hosting it as a .csv on Github [here](https://github.com/…
It will be useful to provide a list of courses taught in OCaml, IDEs that are particularly useful for teaching purposes, lecture notes that are publicly available, etc.
One item is the [lecture notes…
Add an option for "Ugrad interviewees but anyone as interviewer" checkbox option. For Benson, add an option for "Grad interviewees but anyone as interviewer" checkbox option. Might be useful to just r…