Add a section describing the advantages having the Database Agent monitoring the MessageBox which is an SQL Database, normally MS SQL. Since the native COM Module commits all the work to the database,…
**Type**: Bug (kind of)
**NLog version**: any (since 4.0 )
**Platform**: any (not checked, found in 4.5)
In case of a BUG:
- What is the current result?
Currently all NLog.dlls (f…
The CF_HOMEenvironemnt veariable is set to unique path for each job and all the jobs use same user id. When doing bulk deployment, the config.json is somehow getting replaced/modified. While cf push f…
Sometimes we dead letter messages ourselves due to an exception. We include the exception detail information in the dead letter message as a custom property but we can't view it in the "Message Custo…
Returns the following error:-
Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleStoreRuleSetDeployedException: Rul
eset "[][]", version 1.4 has already been deployed, and canno
t be deleted.
at Micro…
My company is moving to a new architectural pattern of CQRS with Event Sourcing using a service bus to manage our business sagas. We have multiple systems and currently have a significant investment …
General Information
RSS Bandit
OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6000.0
OS-Culture: en-US
Framework Version: .NET CLR v2.0.50727
Thread-Culture: da-DK
UI-Culture: en-US
Prøvde å sende Digipost (HEMIT test Bruker - 26129316763). Men fikk følgende unntak.
Kildecoden er vedlagt. Unntak på linje 140 i den vedlagte filen.
Transportkvittering transportkvittering = await _…
Har oppdatert til siste versjon nå etter rettingen som ble gjort før helga. Nå får jeg ikke NullReferenceException lenger, men følgende feil:
> Angitt sertifikat med fingeravtrykk CE5E1B25BF8115…
When using the base pipeline component, the reference to XLANG base types is asked.
This is because the BizTalk.Extended.Core has a reference to this dll.
Is this wanted behavior? - maybe this could…