> more useful macro than in lisp, more important white space than in python, more general preprocess than in C, more powerful meta compilation than in metalua, more flexible dialect than in rebol, mor…
Given the unwise decision by the original OPAM developers to develop a custom data format for `opam`'s files and the inability of current OPAM maintainers to provide a reasonable library (#2677) to re…
It's not a common behavior maybe?
There are no patterns for lisp in deoplete#omni#_input_patterns which means that this plugin does not currently work for lisp + dialects (clojure, etc.)
Recently, I met a very strange problem with racket layer.
I config like this:
`(setq geiser-racket-binary "/Applications/racket6.3/bin/racket")`
And in emcas, I open a `.rkt` file, run `run-geiser`, …
ketos=> (+)
ketos=> (+ 1)
ketos=> (-)
compile error: `-` expected at least 1 argument; found 0
ketos=> (- 1)
ketos=> (*)
ketos=> (* 1)
ketos=> (/)
compile error: `/` expected at least 1…
Is there any reason `(adjoin )` doesn't work on the empty list whereas `(push )` does?
arc> (= x (list))
arc> (adjoin "joy" x)
arc> x
arc> (= x (list))
arc> (push…
Hi Shaun, I've decided this will be a great way to work on my elisp chops so I'm working on emacs-parinfer which is planned to be a minor mode for emacs. Depending on how much work I get done over the…
odroid@odroid:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/odroid/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/odroid/catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/odroid/catkin_ws/build
Devel space: /home/odroid/catkin_ws/deve…