From Zhengtao:
> I encounter an error when I run the example dataset following the instruction in https://github.com/dieterich-lab/rp-bp/blob/master/docs/running-example.md
> The command and e…
Hi, in your validation code, you just use the network output mu to draw the graph, I'm not quite understand this part. I think the "mu" & "sigma" is used to show the range(mu and deviation) of the dis…
Hi all !
I am interested in the DP mixture, thus I've had a look at the `06-Demo-CRP.ipynb` file, but the interesting parts; `IArray`, `PolyaUrn` and `randclass` are not defined. Is it intended ?
I'm interested in @keflavich and @astrofrog's thoughts here
I'm working on a spectrum/profile extraction utility in Glue that, among other things, allows users to fit models to profiles. It looks lik…
Is there a way to make the gmm use a shared covariance matrix, i.e. indicate that all components have the same covariance matrix. This is a feature of the Matlab gmm implementation and it restrict…
Hi @haifengl ,
I was wondering if it's possible to use mixture models with with weighted data. The use case is: fitting histograms with mixture models.
Currently, AFAIU, only mixtures from raw data p…
**Submitting author:** @conradsnicta (Conrad Sanderson)
**Repository:** https://github.com/conradsnicta/armadillo-gmm
**Version:** v7.960
**Editor:** @arfon
**Reviewer:** @jordigh
**Author instructio…
Hi there,
I try to modify the live_zh.html demo by lazyloading the official CMUSphinx acoustic, lm and dictionary for Chinese, within spawnWorker(). After that, within initRecognizer(), "initialize…
You've allowed the use of mgcv's gam's `s()` function. I was surprised yesterday to discover that mgcv also supports `cox.ph` and `cox.pht` families. I imagine families are a more difficult task than …
Please add an example for HiddenMarkovModel Class.
TODO (optional): using Gaussian mixture in HMM for solving speech recognition problem or any simialr problem with multi-modal feature vectors. I a…