/kind feature
# Use case
The docs say "The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilizatio…
Hi, Im setting up Mobility in our Rails app. It works when working in the console setting and saving data. But a problem appeared when we ran all our test suite. Consider a model called "G…
There is an alert on cluster dashboard:
`[100% of the ingress-nginx/pushprox-ingress-nginx-client targets in cattle-monitoring-system namespace are down](https://github.com/kubernetes-monitoring…
When I run finitude the data I get on port 8000 seems to show a ton of unknown values and a few known values.
I have:
- Variable speed air handler
- Variable speed heat pump
- 4 Zone Controller …
SYNC registry.k8s.io/prometheus-adapter/prometheus-adapter:v0.10.0
I have the following Trivy Reports, for example:
k -n trivy-system get clustercompliancereports.aquasecurity.github.io
cis 35m
nsa 35m
### What happened?
We have a setup that consists of a deployment and HPA manifest. The HPA is configured with a CPU threshold relying on custom metrics API. We’re using `prometheus-adapter` as a cust…
## Expected Behavior
Works well as my another hpa, in same environment.
ValueError: Unknown quantization method: flute. Must be one of ['aqlm', 'awq', 'deepspeedfp', 'tpu_int8', 'fp8', 'fbgemm_fp8', 'modelopt', 'marlin', 'gguf', 'gptq_marlin_24', 'gptq_marlin', 'awq_marli…
Using the plugin in a Mac with M1 chip we found the same error than in issue [20355](https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/20355#issuecomment-1086940022)
openjdk version "11…