500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
Reported on logs…
# Criteria
Utilizing Open Graph / Twitter Card sharecard standards, ensure any sharecard linked from choodle.xyz is ready for public-viewing
Ideally implemented in tandem with #19.
Updated tag …
### Steps to reproduce
When upgrading from an older 6.0.0-pre version to 6.1.1, it seems that there are duplicate key violations while rendering the templates. Strangely enough, reloading the page …
### Steps to reproduce
After upgrading from an older 6.0.0 prerelease version to 6.1.1, it seems like when an image is rendered, it causes database writes:
0:41:52 rails.1 | [] W…
- Alchemy Version: 6.0.12
- Rails Version: 6.1.7
Here's a *small* sample of my server log:
DEPRECATION WARNING: Using a 'EssenceText' content is deprecated. Please use a 'Text' ingredi…
alchemy-cms.com’s DNS address could not be found.
This section has a link to a crucual github gist that does not exist: thttps://guides.alchemy-cms.com/best_practice_create_blog_template.html#create-new-page-layout-view
Alchemy 6.0 [defaults to Rails 7](https://github.com/AlchemyCMS/alchemy_cms/blob/main/Gemfile#L7), but relies on [Webpacker](https://github.com/AlchemyCMS/alchemy_cms/blob/c9c32467f806ae0a67586658a670…
Hello @databunnysg,
`$ juju deploy cinder-databunny-driver
ERROR The charm or bundle "cinder-databunny-driver" is ambiguous.
To deploy a local charm or bundle, run juju deploy ./cinder-databunny-dr…