## Issue Description
_When a user submits a claim on VA.gov, the confirmation page should allow them to check the claim's status and outline what's next._
- Design guidance [here](https://design.va.g…
- Figma: https://www.figma.com/design/pQTbcGv5qBsQt7T5bz952f/Exploration-New-Design-Language?node-id=14769-30031&t=yasTNz1tycRmR8He-4
- Reuse Global Nav and Footer, dont build individually
In js/ts there are `new User()` and `new User`.
How should we handle nullary applications?
Design the web application. This activity need help to other persona that know for this issue.
I propose the following routes over a JSON API for communication
- /, /index -> Homepage. Button to create new game. List of existing games (click to join/spectate).
- /chessers -> actual game html
- …
The applications widget initially shows an empty state with a button to add an application. After adding an application, I can navigate to the pipelines page and see my progress. However, the empty st…
Create a basic HMTL template to set the main front end side
Include the "BETA" label and associated messaging in the application form and across the pages including dashboard,
application details and registration details.
Apply this label to al external us…
o ensure consistency across our application, we need to create a style guide. This should cover typography, color palette, button styles, input fields, etc.
design application ui and ux
- Add link or images of app here