**Background Themes**
Background themes (formerly known as Personas) should be already fully supported, with the background image continuing in the background of the toolbars when they appear. If thi…
284672 det 1 Tamarix laxa Willd.
284676 det 1 Artemisia tianschanica Krasch. ex Poljak.
284679 det 1 Tamarix passerinoides Delile
284682 det 1 Astragalus paucijugus Schrenk
284685 det 1 Carpinus…
Where are all the issue from the previous issue tracker?
There was:
Restarting Pentadactyl with TabMixPlus (TMP) enabled and multi-row tabs bre…
I use a custom userChrome.css to render curvy tabs. Since I updated Firefox to 102 on Win10 the lower curves of each tab (except the leftmost corner) are not drawn properly anymore but stay straight.
I'm using the TFOB style Australis but this problem might apply to other styles as well. As you can see in the screenshot the bookmarks border on the left and right consist of two borders. I disable…
Iqtree is crashing on some of my files with the "ERROR: Tree taxon Apteryx_owenii does not appear in the alignment" even though there is a sequence for that taxon in the alignment file. I not…
I think this add-on should have the option to have a small tab mode.
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 7291
What should be implemented/improved?
For Australis there is a tour page[1] explaining what has changed in the UI. This page
dynamically interacts w…
Coll Pierre Dansereau Nelle Zelande
200742 Olearia furfuracea Hook.f. Det H.H. Allan
200743 Leptospermum scoparium Forst Det. Rawson L.W.
200744 Epacris pauciflora A. Rich. …
I am trying to create an IPM for kauri (_Agathis australis_) as part of my PhD and I have split the trees up into adults (Diameter over 2.5cm) and saplings/seedlings (Diameter under 2.5 cm). Th…