demo播放视频的方法放到viewdidload中 注释掉停止视频播放的方法 在左滑push过程中 avplayer会有一个被移除的效果(无画面 只有播放器view的背景 )
I have properly implemented the CachingPlayerItem functionality in my application. The only problem I am facing is that some videos with streaming URLs are not playing. AVPlayer gives error: "request …
the chances that i will hear the sound when i start the following program are about 50%:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
QtAV::AVPlayer player;
Hello Guys,
I am working on Xamarin Forms Project where users can navigate to list of playlists and then preview assets in that particular playlist. Assets can be Images or Videos.
During preview …
I receive this error occasionally (when recording a video in my app 1 out of 20 times) when using mergeSegmentsUsingPreset:
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11820 "Cannot Complete Export" Us…
lapat updated
9 years ago
If you have `AVPlayer` that plays some video with sound it will become muted once video call established. And after that nothing helps: I've tried almost all combinations of `AVAudioSession`'s `AVAudi…
Do you have plan to implement AVPlayer-like api?
is there any schedule about that?
For an SDK, the "MediaPlayerTracker" is a bit too restrictive. It only allows to track the deprecated "MPMoviePlayerController"... It should be possible to track any custom player using AVPlayer.
I was looking for a decently solid library to start streaming MP3s from and your wrapper around AVPlayer has been awesome and saved a lot of time so far.
I've noticed with iOS 10 devices, when stre…
#### Description
I'm using AVPlayer to play back video. I want to dismiss the view that plays back the video, but keep the audio playing.
Whenever the the AVPlayerLayer is deallocated or it'…