_Issue [JP-2344](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/JP-2344) was created on JIRA by [Jane Morrison](https://jira.stsci.edu/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=morrison):_
JP-2284 and #⁠6739 (replacemen…
### JASP Version
### Commit ID
_No response_
### JASP Module
### What analysis are you seeing the problem on?
Bayesian One Sample T-Test
### What OS are you seeing the problem …
Just want to let you know about a typo in the help document for meta.ttestBF.
It says "This function computes m**a**ta-analytic Bayes factors" , and I think that should be 'm**e**ta'.
Also, the …
Just a request, but would it be possible to add the "Test value" option for independent and paired t-tests?
This would allow for users to test hypotheses that are not zero (essentially the same as …
I'm fitting some rather complicated models using `brms`, and have been finding difficulty getting `bridge_sampler` to run without getting the warning message about being unable to determine logml with…
Implement a code vector for each document (i.e factor in this case) to be learned and concatenated with the codes for each word to learn the embeddings.
Incredibly, there isn't an equation in the…
Hi everyone, Hey Chris,
The HGF manual mentions that we can use tapas_bayesian_parameter_average() function to compare parameter averages across groups of subjects. I really appreciate that the fun…
Under 'Comparison with JASP', the vignette [the Bayes factors vignette](https://easystats.github.io/bayestestR/articles/bayes_factors.html) moves to use 'BayesFactor::anovaBF()', with no mention of th…
I am trying to derive some inference from regressions based on different kernel combinations, and I am doing so computing the Bayes factors (indeed by means of a Parallel-Tempering Ensemble MC…
Usually I have no problem to plot BFlinearModel, but in my last data analysis, I'm testing a model looking like that:
``` R
generalTestBF(initialDev ~ FixationSide*S1.Duration*Gap.Duration…