I have been hoping to create a full list of websites related to R/stats and related fields as the homepage of rbind.io (currently empty). These websites may or may not be built on top of **blogdown**.…
yihui updated
5 years ago
Similar to tabsets in R Markdown/bootstrap based outputs, and the xaringanExtra panelset:
This is a neat shortcode based approach, up…
Immediately after starting a new blogdown site with RStudio, using this theme as the base, I tried serving the site and got an unexpected error:
Warning: You are recommended to ignore certai…
Maybe I am being silly, but I struggle to write a condition that checks whether `blogdown::build_site()` was successful (to then decide whether to deploy). The function always returns NULL, and Hugo e…
I am trying to use the [Material Docs](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-material-docs) theme for Hugo with [blogdown](https://github.com/rstudio/blogdown). Unfortunately the navigational links…
Hi Yihui,
I want to use a custom output format when rendering posts in blogdown. In particular, I want to use the tufte output format `tufte::tufte_html` when rendering blogposts. I'm aware that bl…
How can i customize the fonts of blog? I am using blogdown to post my blog and in default settings publishing r code and text using rmarkdown is not that great.
I am trying to create a blogdown site using the Blackburn theme but keep getting an error when I try to serve the site. I am using Hugo version 0.55.5, R-Studio version 1.2.1335, and R version 3.5.3. …
Hello. Thank you very much for this lovely theme. I like it.
I'm using the `blogdown` R package and `.rmd` (R Markdown) document to build my website.
However, I encountered a problem as follow…
If I create a website with this theme blogdown will tell me "Found baseURL = "https://cranky-lalande-e3373f.netlify.app/"; nothing to do here!". But actually I have something to do here. :wink: