• Description: Missing HSTS and X-Content-Type-Options headers could expose the application to man-in-the-middle attacks and content injection. Additionally, an outdated JavaScript library (Bootstrap)…
The module has the option to switch to Bootstrap V4 but due to dependencies, cannot properly perform as V3 support is still required which completely changes the layout, this is due to V3 and V4 being…
Any plan for bootstrap 4 support?
Make a cheat sheet for bootstrap 4 please.
Request to use Bootstrap 4 in the Nubium theme
Is there bootstrap 4 version?
Do you plan to support bootstrap 4? Or this repo won't be updated any more?
Angular: 1.4.x
Is there any plan to update this for bootstrap 4?
update in datetimepicker to bootstrap 4
I am encountering issues with the Filter component and its integration with DatatableWrapper. When I attempt to use controlledProps to manage the filter state externally, the component stops working, …