What is the explicit usage of the rotation matrix, intrinsics matrix, translation vector, and distortion parameters? For example, let us denote the intrinsics matrix, rotation matrix, translation vect…
I followed the tutorial, printed a 1X1 Aruco, and mounted on a plate grasped by the gripper, and bring the aruco in view of the camera. Pleased see the attached picture
In Target Pose Detection, Im…
For a project, I wanted to use my own calibration data to make a reconstruction in colmap. So, I wrote a python script to calibrate the cameras with a charuco board. calibrateCameraCharuco from opencv…
Related to #168, #107 and #78, we need to develop a reproducible pre-experiment checklist for quality control of camera image. This should allow us to control for illumination, focus, gain, filter, le…
##### System information (version)
- OpenCV => 4.6.0
- Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 20.04
- Compiler => Python
##### Detailed description
With the version 4.6.0, the functi…
2023-12-20 10:17:21.928 | INFO | airo_camera_toolkit.calibration.hand_eye_calibration:do_camera_robot_calibration:108 - Saving calibration results to /home/victor/cloth-competition…
> 2.2.2: ポーズ行列修正
> COLMAP出力の回転行列は世界座標系からカメラ座標系への変換を表す形式です。NeRFでは反対にカメラ座標系から世界座標系への座標変換を行うため、ポーズ行列を修正する必要があります。この修正では、元の座標変換と逆の変換を獲得するため、単純に逆行列…
App doesnt seem to detect any points on my charuco board. Board wasn't created by this app but follows 4x4_250 charuco dictionary with A0 dimensions and 10x14 grid. I've tried with two different camer…
I'm having difficulty running calibration with my camera setup. I have 7 cameras, and two of them are pointed inward in such a way that they rarely / never see the charuco board at the same …
After clicking "Calibrate from Videos" I get this error using a Windows 11 PC. Calibrating the same videos was successful on a machine running Windows 10.
[2023-04-28 09:21:26.0728] [ ERROR] [fre…